1st Lesson

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{The picture is what your wearing along with your ice skates}
~ Hey! It's Kat, I just wanted to thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy :3 ~
Narrator: It was just your average day at ____'s house in Russia and here we have our main character walking to the ice rink not caring how late she is. Of course, the person she lives with, Viktor Nikiforov, was gonna be annoyed with her but he'll forget about it anyways. Now let's get into the story...
"Ugh, I can't believe Viktor signed me up as a 13-year-old to teach a 6-year-old to skate and didn't even tell me!" As I had continued to walk down the street I saw the ice rink come into view. I started to get a little nervous. Will the kid be nice, will they give me a hard time, will the parents be okay with me, will the kid like me. These thoughts had crowded my mind and before I knew it I was at the ice rink my heart racing, not wanting to open the door but I knew I had to. I slowly opened the door and there was a slight creek.
"Hey! It's been awhile" My friend Rose shouted to me. She works at the ice rink part-time and I went to school with Rose ever since I was a younger. I got lucky because when I had to move to Russia so did she because of her parents. So I guess we've been through a lot together.
"Hey I would love to stay and talk with you but I'll just text you later, promise," I said to her.
"Oh, you gotta date or something," Rose replied sarcastically.
"Shut it," I said jokingly as I walked into the area where the rink is. I felt the cold air touch my skin. I've missed this. I sat down on one of the benches and laced up my black, leopard print skates. I then stepped onto the fresh sheet of ice and skated around for a bit doing spirals and spins every once and awhile. Soon enough this cute little boy with bright emerald green eyes and blonde hair walked in, his black skates already laced. I had skated over to the opening and helped the boy onto the ice. I helped him get over to the wall and I'm was about get the lesson started when all of a sudden I heard.
"Oi, don't go and teach him the wrong way!" I looked over and there was this emo looking teen yelling from across the rink.
"Do you know him?" I asked the boy a little confused about why he was here.
"I-i-i a-um yeah he's my b-brother" the boy stumbled on his words.
"Oh okay. Well anyway what's your name" I said thinking I probably should have asked him in the beginning
"I-i u-um my n-name is Erik." The boy keeps stumbling on his words sounding almost as if he was nervous about skating for the first time.
"What a nice name and just to let you know there's no reason to be nervous. Um here." I grabbed his hands and started skating backwards pulling him along to help him find his balance point so he doesn't fall.
"See don't worry about falling. I have you so just work on finding where you balance." I instructed him and he nodded his head showing that he had understood my words and was trying to do exactly as I said.
"See you're doing great, now start pushing your feet out to the side almost like you trying to push away the ice," I instruct yet again surprised at how fast he's learning. I could see the boy was really trying but he seemed to have a lot on his mind.
"Are you okay? Is something bothering you?" I asked Erik concern lingering in my voice.
"U-um no it's just a w-why don't you do c-competitions like other people?" Erik asked probably confused about why I was here teaching him and not putting myself out there.
"May I ask why you want to know?" I asked him a little upset that he had brought that up.
"O-oh well u-um my b-brother does competitions and t-that's why he doesn't t-teach me. I-i-i was just wondering a why you were a t-teaching me and not d-doing that." Erik replied stuttering out of embarrassment and nervousness. I saw that he was could probably start skating by himself so I stopped skating backwards and had held one of his hands as we skated around the rink.
"So Erik to answer your question. I don't skate in competitions because I'm scared of my magic. In fact, I want it to go away. I know I will never be an ice princess so I put my dreams behind me and forget they were ever there. I mean most ice skaters know how to jump by my age and all I can do is skate around. However you, you're my little snowflake who has the ability, the magic, to turn into a graceful ice prince. You have the magic to lure the audience with your emotions." I stopped us from skating and knelt down so I had looked up at him. "You have the magic to do so much more then you think you're capable of. Although for now, you're my little snowflake who still has time to grow." I got up and had skated with him off the rink. I helped him get off and then I got off myself. Erik went over and sat down while I had knelt down in front of him and untied his skates. I then returned them and gave him his shoes. I had then toke off my skates and put my boots on. Erik walked over to his brother and out of the general area so that had been my queue to leave. I started my way back home when I had run into Erik and his brother. Erik ran over to me and his brother chased after him. Erik had then engulfed me in a hug and me being me, of course, hugged him back. I had ten looked up at his brother who turned out to be, Yuri Plisetsky.
"I heard what you said brat," Yuri said irritation running through his voice.
"Umm, what do you mean by that?" I asked him being as clueless as ever.
"I heard what you said about the competition thing and I want to help you," Yuri said obviously annoyed and losing his patience.
"W-why do you want to help me?" I asked really not wanting his help and kinda embarrassed. My dreams are over, crushed, and I don't need them revived. If he had been listening he would have heard that.
"Give me your number," Yuri said looking away.
"What! Why!" I exclaimed a little too loudly. I escaped the hug and Erik went back over to his brother. "Just give it to me!" Yuri yelled irritation clear now.
"Oh, um okay," I say sounding nervous but kinda scared as I handed him my phone. He put his number in it and gave me his phone. I put mine in and we both have each other our phones back. We go our separate ways and all I can think about is what will happen next.
Narrator: Things may seem great but how will Viktor react when he finds out the Russian Punk is helping _____ achieve her dream. Will Viktor try to take over? Will he be okay with it? I guess we'll just have to find out in the next chapter of her story...

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