There Can't be Good Without the Bad

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Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like ever but I'm here to give ya'll a bit of hope this chapter. Also, why do people still read this lol. 


Narrator: Yurio and ____ were terrified. Even though Yurio didn't like that pig very much he still knew a piece of him broke for Yuri as well as Viktor. 

1 minute passed

Then 2 minutes

....Still no word...

3 minutes came and went

4 Minutes they could only hope 

5 Minutes still nothing

They sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours. ____ was shaking, verge of another panic attack and Yurio had a comforting arm around her as he tried to calm her down yet he knew he was just as scared for what was to come.

6 minutes

soon enough came 7

then ca-

A nurse came out and called the pair over to talk to them. ____ was panicking to the point yurio had to hold her up to ensure she wouldn't collapse and be the next of the four hospitalized. 

"Hi, you're the two waiting for Viktor and Yuri, correct?"

Yurio nodded

"Good and bad news, which would you prefer to hear first?" the nurse said sweetly making it sound like everything was gonna be okay.

____ managed to make out the word "bad" in between her shaky breaths

The nurse looked at the poor girl and started, "Yuri flatlined...however, we were able to bring him back after about 6 minutes. The bad part about this is we have to keep him hospitalized to keep an eye on his vitals. The good news however Viktor is going to be released shortly after we talk to him and he decides what he wants to do. Unfortunately, I'm afraid only Viktor can tell you what it's about." She finished speaking.

The two were filled with joy. There was a chance for Yuri and Viktor was coming home soon. However, the only thing that they wish they had been able to hear is what this decision is about.


The Nurse felt terrible telling the two kids about what seemed to be their family but she had a job to do. 

She walked down the hospital halls until she reached the room Viktor was staying.

When she walked into Viktor's room she told him the news about Yuri now that she had known all 4 of them were together. Viktor burst into tears of sadness and joy. Sadness because of the fact that had basically died but joy because he was alive yet again which meant he still had a chance to figure out his heart. 

The nurse, however, wasn't finished. She told Viktor how he would be released soon but soon enough came the bad news that you could only hope wasn't as bad as her voice made it sound.



Tough as a Tiger, Fragile as a Snowflake {YurioxReader}Where stories live. Discover now