Chapter 10: Forgiveness

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If things were awkward at school, hanging around in Sasuke's room with him, Sakura, Hinata and Naruto all on the floor around the table proved to be ten times more awkward...painful even. No one said a word, just silently stared or avoided eye contact...some please help the poor fools!!!

"It's not every day Sasuke brings home friends...of his own accord no less." as if on cue, Itachi walks in the room, holding a tray of drinks and biscuits.

He notices the strange behavior as no one has still yet to speak.

"So...who did what and why?" The elder Uchiha brother chimed in as he made himself comfortable on his younger brothers bed.

"Naruto..." Sasuke answered simply.

"What's the poor fool done now?" Itachi sighs.

"I haven't done nothing!" The blond ion question barks "These guys just don't like the girl I'm with."

"Uh - huh...I could have sworn he and Hinata has a nothing going on..." Itachi whispers in Sasuke's direction.

"It's not that we don't like her-" Sakura began.

"More like we hate her!" Sasuke finished.

"There you go again, dissing her for no reason!" Naruto defended.

"Trust me idiot, there is a reason!" Sakura added, furrowing her brows.

"Alright, alright, calm down you just who is this girl?" Itach asked while shushing the others.

"Karin..." Itachi just stared at sasuke, registering his response.

"You mean...'that' Karin?" Itachi said slowly, to which his brother nodded.

"What do you mean by 'that'?" Naruto jerked a brow at Itachi's comment.

The room was silent for a few moments, Itach seemed to look between Naruto and Hinata several times, till it suddenly hit him.

"She threatened you...didn't she."He stated towards Hinata, she didn't respond, but the look in her pale eyes gave him all the answers he needed.

"About that, what's all this talk about Karin threatening people?" Naruto asked, his voice calming a little.

Hinata was quite for a little while, but somehow she found enough courage to finally say what she had been needing to say.

"Some time ago, Karin asked me to stay away from you...I think she didn't like that you had a close friend who was a girl...I still stayed your friend and she threatened to hurt was something about the way she said it...It scared me, I truly thought Hanabi could have been in danger." Hinata clenched her fists in her lap.

"She'd do it to..."Itachi  added in a dark tone. "Firstly...Naruto, if Hinata and her family really could be in danger because of your girlfriend, who would you choose?" He sounded extremely seraious as she stared intently at Naruto.

The blond boy was silent for a moment, he glanced over at Hinata and a gentle look glossed over his blue eyes.

"I'd protect my friend..."Hinata just stared at Naruto, almost in disbelief. "We've been though so much together as it is...Your my best friend, if you ever need my help I'll always be there, that's how it always been. No girlfriend will change that!" Naruto proudly stated as she stared right into his best friend's eyes.

Something just broke in Hinata's heart at that moment, she started to cry and could't stop, she trembled and and sobbed with her hands cupping her mouth in an attempt to muffle her cries. 

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm so sorry....." Hinata apologized over and over, for everything. she felt stupid, if only she had just been honest form the start then they wouldn't have had to jump through heralds to get where they are now.

The next thing she knew Naruto was tightly holding her in his arms, his chin rested on her head and his hand  stroked her hair.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing, I let you down, you tried to warm me and tell me something was wrong...but I didn't listen. I was so caught up in other things I forgot about the one thing that meant the most to me...forgive me?" Even Naruto had a few tear in his eyes. I seemed Hinata's break down showed Naruto just how bad the situation was, and for how long she must have been holding back all her feelings.

When Hinata had finally cried out all her tears, the group returned to the reason as to why they were all there.

"So what exactly did Karin do?" Naruto asked, now sitting closer to his best friend, with his arm around her shoulder as she wiped away the last of her tears.

It seemed that he finally wanted to figure things out, in the end he'd do anything for his best friend, if she needed him he's be there.

Sasuke crossed his arms. "Back in middle school, I met this girl. this was when I was going through my...phase..." Sasuke paused.

"Ah, the phase...those were dark days, never returning home and skipping school."Itachi sighed.

"Shut up...anyway, it's a long story so get comfy." Sasuke pouted "I'll start from the beginning, back in middle school"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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