Chapter 8: I'm Sorry...

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Hi, I'm really sorry for not updating, I've been busy with other things like school and stuff. But finally here it is! I hope you like it!


Hinata was slowly walking school alone, again. she hadn't the slightest clue as to where Naruto was, though she suspected Karin was likely a factor in his frequent absence.

Her walk felt so much longer than usual, after all she was pondering on just how she was going to confront her crush about his crush. She could feel the dim sting of tears hidden behind her eyes, perhaps her tears where preparing for her to reach her limit; either way they did't fall nor did they make much sign that they were there, but Hinata could tell they were indeed there.

Finally the school came into sight just over the hill. As she approached, sounds of laughing students echoed around her, but those sounds just faded when they reached her ears. Taking off her shoes and putting them away in her locker she looked down at her carry bag and glanced be hinder, at Naruto's locker. Now was just as good a time to start, after putting on her school shoes she pulled out a small note that she wrote at home and slid it into Naruto's locker. Walking away she start to regret what she just did, but it was too late to turn back and it wasn't an option.

Later during first lesson Naruto came bargain in, out of breath and his hair in disarray.

"Naruto I would appreciate it if you made more of an effert to make it to my class on time; or very least sneak in quietly." Kakashi Sensei sighed.

"Sorry Sensei, I keep that in mind." Naruto awkwardly laughed and sat down in his seat, right next to Hinata. "Hey, why didn't you wake me up?" Naruto whispered to Hinata.

"Sorry, I didn't have time" which was a lie. "Anyway did you check your locker?" Hinata whispered back.

"Nah, didn't have time. Why?" Naruto responded, in a hush voice.

Hinata inwardly sighed. "We need to talk..." Was all she said to him throughout the rest of the lesson.

Later on Hinata was off somewhere and Naruto had no idea where she was, she said something about needing to talk to him, so where was she? Then Naruto recalled her mention his locker, so he checked it just like she had asked that morning. To his surprise a letter inside,  so he opened it up and began to read the cursive lettering.

'We need to talk, meet me on the roof after's urgent!


Naruto was puzzled but shrugged it off. He did have a date with Karin after school, but if Hinata says she was something urgent to talk about then he can stand to be a little late for his date.

The rest of the day went on normally, well almost normally. Naruto didn't see much of Hinata and when he did she seemed to keep her distance and made no attempt to acknowledge him. He was honestly worried about her just what did she need to tell him. So when the last bell rang he  headed straight for the roof. To his surprise Hinata was already there, it was bear lay three minutes since school ended so just how did she get there before him? He ignored the question and walk up to Hinata.

"Hey Hina, I got your note." He held up the price of paper.

Hinata nodded in response.

"So, just what Is it you need to talk about?" Naruto asked. 

Upon observing her face, she seems to be somewhat void of emotion; her eyes however were filled with so much emotion that Naruto couldn't figure out just what was racing through her mind. Hinata seemed to uncomfortably shuffle and fiddle with her fingers.

"I-It's about Karin..." She started.

"What about her?" Naruto asked.

Hinata took a deep breath, and exhaled. She looked scared, but of what?

"P-Please don't hate me for saying this...but, I don't think she's a good match for you." Hinata croaked out.

Naruto stared at his best friend.

"...What do you mean?" Naruto's voice was quiet, but Hinata heard him non the less.

"She, um...I just don't think you two are right for each other."

"....Hinata, why would you say that?" His question came more like a statement and his voice was laking of tone.

"I've been quiet for a while, but I can't hold my tough anymore, I think it would be best..if you-"

"You want me to break up with her..." Naruto finished her sentence.

Hinata was silent for a few sounds before responding.

"I-I don't want you too, b-but it would be better did."  Hinata's voice trickled off a little.

Naruto was quiet when suddenly lightly chuckled.

"I can't believe this, I can understand Sasuke doing something like this; Hell, even Sakura...But you...I would never have guessed my best friend would try to ruin my relationship."

"It's not like that, I swear!" Hinata protested, her voice somewhat weak.

"Then just what is it?" Naruto had some resentment in his voice.

"S-She's dangerous!" Hinata spat out and immediately regretted it.

"Dangerous? Are you crazy? Karin is my girlfriend, I really like her and theres not a DAMN THING YOU OR ANYONE ELSE CAN DO TO MAKE ME BREAK UP WITH HER!!!" Naruto screamed at Hinata, her eyes stung once more by sour tears.

Hinata was silent again, this had went horribly wrong, Naruto probably hatted her; That was the last thing she wanted to happen. But if Naruto wouldn't hear her out...then there was only one thing she could do, family comes first.

Hinata's head hung low, her bangs covering her eyes as she struggled to hold back her tears.

"Then.....I guess we can't be friends anymore..." Hinata's voice was almost a whisper.

Naruto let out a sharp gasp, his eyes went wide as Hinata started to walk past him, heading towards the roof's exit.

"I'm sorry..." Was all Hinata could say before she closed the door behind her.

When all was quite, Hinata let her tears roll down her face; or rather she couldn't stop them. SHe leaned her back against the door as she quietly sobbed for a few moments. Then she started her run; her legs barely held her up as she stumbled down the stairs and through the corridors. All she could think was "I'm sorry" but she had to do it, Hanabi might be in danger if she doesn't cut her ties with the love of her life; as painful as that is, she had no other choice.

"I'm sorry Naruto-Kun...Please forgive me..."



My heart is breaking...really I wanted to cry writing this T-T

Any way I hoped you liked it, and sorry again for taking so long to update.

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