Chapter 4: Regretting

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Hey I'm back!

I got this one out early so I hope you like it!

Also I noticed I actually have a few other fanfiction pairings that are little further in the proses than this one and also that this fanfiction has a decent about of reads; so I was thinking if I should put one of the other fanfics on Wattpad, so let me know if you guys think that's a good idea, just leave a comment whether you think I should or not!

Thanks and enjoy!


It had been about two weeks since Hinata had that short yet cute chat with Naruto over the phone; now another day of school ticked by for Naruto. He had a bored look on his face, his hands shoved in his pockets, walking down the corridors and let out a loud and long yawn.

"Didn't get enough sleep? Moron..." Sasuke muttered in response to Naruto's sleep deprived yawn.

"Shut up Sasuke!" Naruto retaliated.

Sasuke just smirked at Nauto's reaction and kept walking beside him.

"So? Were you talking with Hinata till late again?"

"No not Hinata!" Naruto grinned as he walked forward, but his previous statement made Sasuke stop right in his tracks.

Naruto looked back at Sasuke, puzzled by Sasuke's confused and surprised gaze staring right at the blond 'Idiot' as Sasuke called him.

"What?" Naruto questioned.

"You weren't talking with Hinata?" Sasuke asked, somewhat dumbfounded.


"Then who?" Sasuke question slowly.

Naruto stared at Sasuke for several moments in silence, a serious look plastered on his face, a face that almost no one was used to seeing Naruto with. Till finally Naruto brock the silence.

"...............................It's a secret!" Naruto grinned and pocked his tough out, laughing slightly.

Sasuke stared bluntly back at the blonde; clearly not impressed with his mischievous tone. Then Sasuke's not so impressed expression turned into a stern glare.

"Dude, what's been up with you lately?" Sasuke held with firm gaze on any response Naruto could offer.

"What?..." Naruto cocked his head to the side as his eyes squinted half shut.

"You Naruto, you've changed!" Sasuke's words were blunt but effective.

"How have I changed?"

"You just have, your more secretive than usual."

"So? I don't have to tell you everything going on in my life!" Naruto's eyebrows furrowed.

"That's true and you don't, but as far as I know you never keep a secret from Hinata."

"Hinata? What's Hinata got to do with this?" Now Naruto was really confused.

"Only everything, idiot!" Sasuke raised his voice.

"I don't get it!" Naruto now hissed.

Sasuke sight deeply, rubbing the corners of his eyes with one hand.

"Naruto, be completely honest with me!" Sasuke started, as Naruto waited for his frenemy's question.

"Have you ever lied to Hinata?"

"No." Naruto kept his gaze firm.

"Have you ever made her cry?" Sasuke asked again.


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