chapter 2

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The rest of the day passed far too quickly for Rachel's liking. She'd seen several of her former Glee Clubbers and had ducked her head or pulled Indi in the opposite direction each time. They'd avoided the cafeteria by taking refuse in the as always empty choir room using the hour to call Carver and inform him that no they hadn't died in a fiery plane crash but had just been too busy to call last night.

"I just want to reiterate to you that this is a terrible idea the consequences of which will surely be catastrophic."

Indi looked between Rachel and the choir room door.

"It's just a glee club girlie." Indi replied rolling her eyes, Rachel shook her head and sighed, at least she'd warned her.

The group fell silent as the two entered the room; Mr Schuester smiled widely beckoning them in, Indi essentially dragging Rachel with her.

"Sorry we're late, Indi needed to speak with Miss Pillsbury about her schedule." Rachel explained hurriedly staring only at the glee club coach and ignoring the club openly staring at her.

"No worries Rachel we're just glad you came. I'm sure you all remember each other?"

"I wish I didn't."

"How could we forget that nose?"

"I'm not giving up any of my solos to little Miss Diva."

The voices overlapped each other but Rachel could identify each speaker, she'd anticipated that reaction and kept a blank look on her face. Mr Schuester glared at the group who quietened hastily.

"And this is Indigo Davis, she transferred from New York with Rachel."

"Poor thing." Santana mock whispered giggling at her own joke. Indi raised her eyebrows and gave the girl a look.

"Santana." Mr Schuester warned, the Latina merely raised her hands in mock surrender and smiled blithely at Rachel. "Do you have anything you'd like to sing for us?"

"Here we go."

"Why couldn't I have been born deaf?"

Rachel's mask cracked slightly and she frowned turning to Indi who clearly read her face.

"It seems my presumptions were correct and as per our agreement I'll be leaving now, I wouldn't want to waste any more of your time." Fixing the group as a whole with the nastiest look in her repertoire she strode out of the room in what the group would most likely call a classic Rachel Berry storm out.

"She wasn't exaggerating when she told me about you guys." Indi mumbled, turning to the teacher she smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry Mr Schuester but I don't want to be a part of a club that seems to pride itself on cruelty."

The door smacked shut behind Indi, the halls echoing with her footsteps as she chased after Rachel.

"Oh honey."

She knew it would only be a matter of time before her façade crumbled, she had hoped it would take longer than a day. Here she was, just as pathetic as last year crying her out in her car. Wasn't the point of glee club to share a love of music? Why didn't that apply to her?

"I want to go home." She sobbed, nose snotty, voice crackling. "I hate it here!"

"I'm beginning to understand why you were so broken when I met you." Indi whispered stroking Rachel's hair. "Those people were harsher than Carver on the first day of fashion week."

Rachel giggled in spite of herself.

"Was that a laugh? Ladies and gentlemen, Rachel Berry just laughed!"

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