chapter 6

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It had been three days since her momentary lapse in judgement with Finn, so far she hadn't mentioned what had happened to anyone although she had a feeling Artie knew given the sly smiles he kept sending her way.

"Those girls are impossible to work with, if I have to hear that Aretha Wannabe threaten to cut Ms. Boob Job again I will kill them all. I bet the jury would even side with me!"

Rachel looked up from the floor where she was playing with blocks with Beth.

"Rehearsal didn't go well?"

"What was your first clue?" Indi asked brightly, all fake of course. "First no one could agree on a song, then they decided to do a mash-up and then it was a fight over who would sing lead. If it wasn't for that Tina girl I swear Santana would be missing a whole lot of extensions. And what's with the other blonde? She suggested we sing songs from The Little Mermaid."

"That's Brittany, she's... different." Rachel said slowly, the girl was never outwardly mean.

"By different you mean special like special ed special right?"

"So have you guys managed to do anything?" Rachel asked carefully lining the blocks in a straight line, her group were ready to perform and it had taken minimal effort to convince the other boys of the song's suitability.

"Apparently we must all wear red dresses and leave our hair down." Indi recited rolling her eyes. "I think they decided on some Britney Spears song mashed up with some other equally shit song."

"Don't give me that look you're the one who insisted we join glee club!" Rachel reminded her.

"As if you aren't secretly enjoying watching them self destruct."

"Aren't you meant to be having a video chat with Jackson right now?" Rachel said changing the subject, she didn't want to admit to the satisfaction she got at the way the club was obviously in trouble.

"Yes I am but don't think this is the end of this conversation, I'll call in Carver if I have to!"

"Say hello to Jackson for me!" Rachel called after her holding back a laugh. "Aunt Indi is so silly, yes she is!"

"You do realize that she can't talk back right?"

Luckily she was sitting otherwise she would have jumped and quite possibly dropped the baby.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" She was trying to look past the intruder to see if there were anymore surprises waiting to pop out.

"Indi left the door unlocked behind her."

"Great then you wont need me to escort you out." She gestured towards the door turning to secure Beth in her bouncy seat.

"I need to talk to you."

"And I need you to leave." Rachel replied evenly stepping in front of Beth to protect her.

"Just give me five minutes please?"

"Fine what did you need to talk to me about?" Rachel sat in the big easy chair Beth sitting beside her thoroughly engrossed with her teething ring.

"It's about last year."

"I figured as much, all anybody seems to want to talk about is last year." Rachel mumbled.

"It was memorable."

"What do you want Mercedes?" Rachel asked point blank, her tolerance for people blathering had severely decreased since she had left Ohio.

"I want to know what the hell crawled up your butt." Mercedes grumbled. "Ever since you got back you've been acting like practically everyone in glee is the enemy and set out to make you miserable last year and that wasn't what happened at all."

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