chapter 10

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The past week had flown by, their set list for Sectionals was slowly coming together and everyone was feigning civility since the all wanted to win the competition. Glee was first period and so far Indi was late; Rachel had before her this morning squeezing in an early morning rehearsal with Finn.

"Where is she?" Artie whispered he too had noticed Indi's absence. Rachel shrugged, knowing her friend she was probably just running late.

"Hi Mr Schuester sorry I'm late!" Indi breathed heavily, she'd sprinted from the car. "We had a flat tyre."

"That's fine, just don't make a habit of it." He smiled good naturedly waving her to a vacant seat. "Now I've narrowed down the suggestions to this short list."

Turning to the whiteboard he started to scrawl the names, Rachel was trying to read what he was writing but Indi was determined to get her attention, since she couldn't wait the five minutes left in class.


"Indi I'm trying to pay attention!"

"You need to pay attention to me!" Indi hissed, Rachel clicked her tongue and turned to face her.

"Can you wait five minutes?"

"Fine!" Indi replied embarrassed by the stern look from Mr Schuester who had noticed her whispering.

"Just save it until we're finished okay?" Mr Schuester turned back to the board. "Now we already have our duet, your assignment this week is to pick one of these songs and rework it for Sectionals, you can make it a mash-up, change the tempo whatever you want, you can work in groups or by yourselves."

Rachel carefully copied down the list mentally evaluating each suggestion while everybody started to discuss their ideas; Indi whacked her over the head.

"Can we talk now?"

"Okay what has got you so excited?" She asked putting down her pen and giving her best friend her full attention.

"Pick a hand." Indi ordered mysteriously wiggling her eyebrows. Rachel pointed to the left, her eyes widening when Indi produced the concealed items in her palm.

"NO WAY!" Rachel squealed plucking the passes from Indi.

"Mark's friends with the promoter and Jackson asked if he could score us some tickets." Indi explained only just noticing that everyone was now staring at them. "Hey McQueen you gut plans tomorrow night?"

"Finn, Matt and I were thinking of having a Halo night." Artie replied pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Wow so sorry we're going to have to make you cancel." Indi said sarcastically tossing three passes onto his lap.


"Jackson." She confirmed dancing slightly in excitement. "So are you boys in?"

"You'll have to tell us what's going on first." Matt chuckled, Rachel and Artie were whispering excitedly earning glares from several of the girls.

"Jackson sent us six backstage passes to." Pause for dramatic effect. "BON JOVI!"

"Seriously?" Finn asked partially in shock.

"Hells yeah!" Matt cheered accepting the pass Artie handed over to him.

"Who should we give the last pass to?" Rachel asked holding the extra, Indi's eyes twinkled and she motioned towards Brittany with her head, Artie's not so subtle crush had been fodder for them the last few days.

"Artie why don't you ask Brittany if she wants to come with us?" Rachel suggested giving him the pass.

He blushed bright red, he should have known his crush wasn't as secret as he had thought. Wheeling over to where Brittany was talking to Santana, although arguing might be a better term given the angry look on Santana's face.

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