chapter 9

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Laughter, honest-to-god laughter. She had no idea that Brittany could be so funny. Finn's dance training had turned into an impromptu glee session since Indi was there and Artie was helping Rachel with her song and they'd invited Matt to catch him up with what had been going on lately.

"You have a pretty house, it must be like where Cinderella lived!" Brittany complimented her.

"Thanks but I always thought of myself more as Belle since she was a brunette." Rachel told her.

"That's so pretty! I'm going to call you that now! Belle!"

"And we all know Frankenteen here is the beast." Indi joked shoving Finn, she was against her better judgement starting to like the guy, it was hard to hold a grudge when he was doing everything he and Artie could think of to woo Rachel.

"Who does that make you? The evil stepsister?" He teased back feeling comfortable enough to finally do so.

"No way, she's my fairy godmother." Rachel corrected slinging an arm around Indi's shoulder.

"Don't let Carver hear you say that!" Indi warned, he was Rachel's real life fairy godmother; self appointed of course.

"Who is this Carver guy you two are always talking about?" Mike asked helping himself to the crackers Rachel had laid out.

"He's a friend from LaGuardia, he has to be seen to be believed." Rachel explained. "He's coming out to visit over winter break."

"And your parents are letting him stay here?" Matt said with a whistle. "Wish my parents were that cool."

"He's a Streisand fan." Indi giggled. "No need to worry about him impregnating either of us."

"You know Indi you're not nearly as psycho as Quinn keeps telling people you are." Mike told her. "That came out wrong."

"It's fine, it's not like I'm going to cry myself to sleep because a bitch thinks I'm crazy."

"She's just jealous." Brittany said suddenly. "She hates Rachel because Finn likes her and you're best friends with Rachel and totally rich and famous."

"Wow Britt, that was really spot on." Matt clapped while both Finn and Rachel turned a matching shade of crimson.

"Well Mercedes said everyone hated Rachel because she apparently told everyone she was better than them and made suggestions all the time." Indi recalled. "But as far as I can tell it's Santana and Quinn who think their shit don't stink."

Artie choked on his drink at Indi's choice of words almost spluttering his drink on Brittany who rubbed his back until he could breathe again.

"Can we not discuss this?" Rachel asked. "Dwelling on the opinions of people who don't matter to me is useless."

"But we're a family." Brittany protested. "That's what Mr Schuester always says."

"Maybe if the family he's referring to were the Manson's."

"Enough relaxing we still have to work out the last section of the song." Rachel clapped taking charge. "I was thinking perhaps we could have Brittany and Mike and Puck and Quinn pair up as well and shadow the dance that Finn and I do. If we can time it perfectly it would look amazing."

"Yeah that would be great." Brittany enthused. "Maybe we could pair everyone up, Kurt and Mercedes, Tina and Artie-"

"We have 13 people." Rachel reminded her. "Unless we recruit another male, there'll be an odd girl out."

"What about that new kid?" Mike suggested. "The one with the Bieber hair?"

"Sam?" Artie said uncertainly.

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