Chapter 13: Trust Me

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I walked around Beverly Hills trying to find a taxi to get me to the airport to go home to Florida, and then I saw a cab. I ran to it, but the driver ignored me, and he drove past me.

I was out of breath, but kept walking a few more blocks. I had been walking almost the whole day, and night was approaching. I went to sit at a bench, to take a rest.

I took out my phone to see if they noticed that I was gone. 50 missed calls. 10 were from Willow, other 10 were from Jaden, and 30 were from Justin. I also, had 5 voice messages. All were from Justin.

I took all my strength to listen to one voice mail. I opened it.


I closed the phone, and tossed it away on the street.

I didn’t want to know anything that had to do with Justin, or Selena. Because I missed him; but, having a secret relationship, even if it is with the boy that I love, it couldn’t be a secret. I was crying so hard, after hearing his voice.

Suddenly, someone came and next to me. I looked up from my tears, and saw Nick Jonas.

“Why is such a cute lady crying in the middle of the street?” He asked me, while putting his arm around my shoulders in a comforting manner.

“Huh?” I asked through tears.

“I was talking to you. What’s your name?”

“Nicolette. But most people call me Nicky.”

“Hi, Nicky. I’m Nick. Can you tell me why you’re crying?”

“It’s kind of a long story.”

“Well, do you want to come over for some water or something? I don’t think you want to tell me being here, in public.”

“Okay.” He called his driver and asked him to come pick us up in the limo.

A few minutes later, a limo was parked in front of the bench we were sitting at. We went inside, and the driver drove us to Nick’s house.

“So, Nicky, how old are you?”

“17. I’ll be 18 sometime this year. How about you?”

“Oh, well, I’m 19. I’ll be 20 sometime this year.”

I smiled. This was not a forced smile, and the happiest I’ve been feeling since I left the… house.



Nick chuckled. “You sure are a deep daydreamer.”

“Sorry, I was just thinking about… stuff.”

“What kind of stuff?”

“Nothing serious… just… well…”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“I want to, I just don’t know how to say it.”

“Well, in that case, let’s just change the subject. Where do you live?”

“About that… that’s what I was thinking about.”

“Why? Did your parents kick you out?”

“Well, it wasn’t my parents, but yeah, I got kicked out of my house.”


“…Couple of reasons.”

“Do you have somewhere to stay tonight?”


“…Do you want to stay over?”

“I don’t want to be a bother to you.”

“It’s cool, it’s my house. It’s only Elvis my dog, and me. You can stay as long as you want, or until you find a house of your own.”

“You would seriously do that?”

“Of course!”

I wasn’t expecting my movements, but I hugged him. He hugged me back. Then, after releasing from the embrace, we smiled at each other.

Then, the limo stopped. Nick looked outside.

“Welcome home, Nicky.”

I smiled at him, and then went inside the house.

“Wow.” I said.

The house was huge. Simply put, it was a LOT of space for a man and his dog.

“Are you sure only you and your dog live here?”

“Well no. Now, a beautiful girl is living with us. But, she’s only staying until she finds a place of her own, which, I hope will not be anytime soon. So she could live longer with me. You see, I think she’s really cute, and whoever decided to throw her away is crazy. She’s too cute to be walking around L.A. by herself.”

I smiled at him. Then, spontaneously, I yawned.

“Are you tired?”

I nodded.

“Come, let me show you your room.”

He took my hand, and I carried my bag with me. Then, we came across a white door that complimented all the black & white décor in the house. He opened the door, to reveal my room.

The room I was staying in had a black-wooden bed with white covers. Next to it, was a black-wood night-table with a white small lamp and a digital clock. The walls were white and so was the floor. There was a black-wood wardrobe by the side of the room, and a door leading to a bathroom inside the room.

“Wow, this room is so… fancy.”

“I know. I wanted it simpler, but my mom said that it would look better this way. Anyway, umm, guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight Nicky.”

“Goodnight, Nick.”

He came closer to me, and grabbed my waist. Then, he brought his lips to me, and kissed me. Surprisingly, I kissed him back. I guess I was feeling something for him. Something that I hadn’t felt in a while, that is feeling protected and…loved.

After we broke apart from the kiss, he whispered, “Nicky, I really do feel something for you. And, I hope that you will stay longer with me.”

I nodded. Then, he kissed me once more, and left me in my room. I changed into pj’s, and went to bed.

Later on in the night, while I was tossing and turning in my bed, there was a soft knock on the door. Then, the door slowly opened. Nick quietly came inside my room, and walked over to my bed.

He pulled away the covers of one side, and slowly got in. I remained still. Then, he got close to me and wrapped his right arm around me. Somehow, it felt calming. Obviously not as good as how I slept last night, but it was somehow soothing.

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