Chapter 2

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Okay, I am seriously bored so have another chapter. This will be fun to write. Now, read on my faithful reader!

Warning: Yaoi, boyxboy, sexual content, mature content.

I do not own any of the Black Butler characters.


Sebastian unbuttoned my shirt as he trailed wet kisses down my neck. It was like my dream, but ten times better now that it was real. He pulled over his tail coat as he nibbled and sucked on my nipple. I moaned beneath him, I could hear my own breathing, it was quick and shallow and even when I tried to calm myself I had no affect. Sebastian suddenly stopped and he leaned to my ear, breathing on my neck seductivley, "Did I guess right?" I nodded quickly and he let go of my arms, getting off me. I sat up and watched him grab his tail coat.

"What was that?" I asked, finding voice very high pitched and shrill. Sebastian looked over at me and I suddenly felt utterly flustered, my face was growing hot as he he smirked at me. I crossed my legs when he stalked towards me, in desperation to hide my hard member.

Sebastian leaned in, raising a brow at me, "Would you like me to continue?" I nodded quickly, my common sense long gone. "Beg me." he smirked. I glared at him and shook my head, there was one thing I wouldn't do, and that was beg him. Sebastian turned away to leave and I let out a defeated sigh when he closed the door. I would not lower myself to begging to a servant, I still had my pride and there was no way I was going to lose it. I laid back down and dreamt once again, of Sebastian and I but this time, I was actually begging. When I woke I sat straight up, putting my hands on my head, why did I beg? Do I want him that badly? I noticed Sebastian walk into my room and I watched him carefully pour my tea.

"Tonight. Please Sebastian." He turned around, a look of surprise on his face. "I need you." I sighed watching a look of triumph cover his surprise. Sebastian leaned over me and swiftly kissed me, inserting his tongue in my mouth to give me a taste but no more. He broke of the kiss and handed me my tea which I drank ignoring my want for him. The day was long and boring and it seemed to stretch for forever.

As the day came to an end I was sitting in my study, finishing up my work when Sebastian walked in and scooped me right out of my seat. "Sebastian!? What is the mea-" He covered my mouth to keep me quiet as he carried me to my room. As soon as the door shut he pushed me against it, supporting my thighs with his hands as he kissed me, forcing me to part my lips so he could once again enter. I moaned against his lips as he carried me to my bed and pushed me down in the soft mattress. He swiftly removed my clothing then removed his tailcoat. He pinned me beneath him as his lips places kisses all over my body. I let out a gasp of pleasure when his lips kissed my erect member. Loud moans escaped me as he took my member full on and began to suck it it, gently grazing his teeth against it every once in a while. I dug my nails into my sheets gripping them as I moaned louder and louder. "Oh...ah...Sebas.....Sebastian." I moaned as he licked the precum from my member. I couldn't take this teasing much longer so I let my fingers find their way to his zipper with I had troubles undoing.

"Impatient as ever." Sebastian pulled out his hard member and set it outside my entrance. I moaned and grabbed his tie harshly.

He started slowly pushing into me and I let out a loud moan, "Just....ah...just get inside me!" I yelled. He smirked and entered me, pushing in and out of me slowly but quickening when he watched me get used to it. I panted loudly, trying to quiet myself so I could hear the moans that escaped Sebastian. I gripped at my blankets, pure pleasure coursing through my whole body. Sebastian's hand wrapped around my member and he started pumping as he trusted into me. I screamed into the sheets next to me, trying to contain all the pleasure.

"Let it out, Boochan. I want to here your voice. Scream my name." he moaned to me. As soon as I stopped trying to fight it I could tell I was close to cumming. I moaned loudly, letting my voice out as Sebastian had said I could do. I gripped the sheets, digging my nails harshly into them as complete pleasure made me scream one name.

His name, "Sebastian!" I screamed, moaning as I released, clenching all my muscles. A gasp escaped Sebastian as I tightened around him as well a came on him. I felt a warm liquid fill me and seep out of me. I didn't even move, my breath was out of control and I felt so tired. I could hear Sebastian cleaning up and then I felt him sit beside me. I sat up to see we were both clean and Sebastuan had swiftly removed the dirty sheets without me noticing. I took Sebastian's hand in mine and I kissed his cheek swiftly, I rested my head on his shoulder as he looked at me curiously. I wanted so badly to tell him I loved him, but I was positive he didn't feel the same way.


Should I just end this here? Or shall I bring in a couple more chapters with more Yaoi? Comment if you want more. Give me soon feedback guys, it helps. Peace out my lovelies!

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