Chapter 9

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Holy freckled Jesus on the hood of Mercedes Benz this fic is more popular then I ever thought it would be. Thanks. Not sure what to think guys, this was just supposed supposed to be a fic I threw all my unused Sebaciel ideas into. Like holy shit people you are all nuts to think this makes even the tiniest bit of sense but okay. XD Ily though and I am very thankful <3 Okay imma stfu now.

Warning: Yaoi, boyxboy, sexual content, mature content.

I do not own any of the Black Butler Characters.


After last night Sebastian had seemed to be avoiding me but its possibly because I've figured out I'm allergic to myself and have been sneezing all day long. All I knew was that today would be a real long day. I wandered out to the garden, seeing as Sebastian had told me its a nice day and that I should have my lunch outside. I wandered over to the table he had set up, sending the smirking butler who stood next to the table the coldest glare I could conjure up. He pulled my chair out and I sneezed all over his jacket purposefully before I sat down. "My lord, if you'd take your medicine you wouldn't be feeling such a way." he commented, pouring my tea and having I suppose magically got my snot get off his coat. I looked at my food and pushed it away.

"I want cake." I declared, looking up at the crimson eyed butler who shook his head and pushed my food back towards me. He didn't look all too impressed when I once again pushed it away again.

Sebastian let out a sigh, "No cake until you eat your food. Just eating sweets is not good for your health my lord." I frowned at the food he pushed towards me but I smirked as soon as an idea popped into my head.

"But Sebas-chaaan." I purred out, flicking my tail and rubbing my had against his tail coat. He reluctantly backed out of my reach but I stood up and dug my claws into his jacket so he wouldn't be going anywhere unless he wanted to rip his oh-so-special coat. "Pleeeeease?" I licked his lips, purring and rubbing up against him. I began to get frustrated with him completely ignoring my presence. I pushed Sebastian into my chair and straddled him, grinding against him, licking his lips and ear.

I stopped as soon as his eyes flashed the strange demon pink-purple color they turned when he was angry. Was he angry at me? I felt lips smash against mine and could hear the clattering sound of Sebastian throwing everything off the table. He pushed my back against the table, pinning me down to it while invading and exploring my mouth with his tongue. Sebastian's hands traveled up my shirt and to my nipple which I felt him rub and gently pinch sending shivers of pleasure down my spine and straight to my groin. I moaned, arching my back off the table and wrapping my arms around Sebastian's neck as our lips finally parted and I caught my breath. He pulled off my shirt, practcailly tearing off his uniform and and my pants.

Once our clothes were finally off I kissed him and he quickly slipped his tongue back into my mouth, his hand sliding south down my body. He moved to me neck, lick and sucking at a few select places he new were sensitive. I moaned, purring loudly and raking my nails down his bare back. He hissed in my ear and bit the lobe as he took hold of my hard member and started pumping me.

"I think sweet love making can suffice for sweets." Sebastian chuckled from his position above me.


Sorry for the shortness but at least I finally updated. XD Ugh I really need to update this more, sorry guys ily. >.<" Make sure to check back for the next chapter. Comment, vote, and such!

Peace out my lovelies!

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