Chapter 7

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Alrighty, so I am terribly sorry if you are reading Unforgettable (one of my other Sebaciels) and you find this alike, each of the ideas were originally planned to happen at completely different times. I got lazy with Unforgettable and that caused these two decently similar chapters to be released on the same day. For that, I am very sorry. I do hope you don't find them too similar because they aren't supposed to be. Now, prepare yourself for the steamiest yaoi I can write!

Warning: Yaoi, boyxboy, sexual content, mature content.

I do not own any of the Black Butler characters.


I slowly opened my eyes, noticing Sebastian opening my curtains as always. He handed me my tea and he began to undress and redress me. Sebastian wasn't acting strange and my tea was fine so I guessed what I thought was yesterday was a dream. I was busy sorting through thoughts when I burnt my finger off my tea cup and let out a hissing noise. When Sebastian went to check my hand I pulled it away from him, glaring at him. I looked at my hand to noticed my nails were a little longer and more, claw like. I looked at Sebastian, soon noticing a change in my vision, at was as of someone enhanced it. "Sebastian, what did you do...?" I asked, warily looking at the butler who was now standing before me, his height much grater then mine, especially since I was sitting. He reached down towards me and started caressing my ear which forced a purring noise out of me. I nuzzled into his hand before regaining ahold of myself and running to my mirror. When I looked at my reflection I gasped. I was half cat, with little cat ears poking through my hair, with a cat tail swaying behind me, with cat like claws, and with sharp cat like eyes. "What the fuck!? I'm half cat!" I grabbed a cat ear and tried to pull it off only to let out a help of pain. Sebastian walked over to me with that annoying sly smirk plastered on his face. "Great, I'm a cat, now what? Are you going to hide me in your closet with your other stash of cats?" I growled before walking to my door, opening it and slamming it shut.

"Young...master?" MeyRin asked when she saw me. Finny and Bard joined her and they all just stared at me with big eyes. "You look so cute! Did Sebastian make you dress up like a cat today?" she asked, looking around for the butler who was actually walking down the hall towards them.

I nodded, "Yes, he did and I am less then impressed with him. When he gets here tell him that if he doesn't change me back I swear he will not live another day." I growled before stomping off to my study only to find that when I opened the door Sebastian was there. "Nope." I turned around to open the door, hissing when he beat me to it and shut it. "Change. Me. Back." I growled. Sebastian started caressing my ear again and I melted into his arms, purring as his other hand traveled up my body.

"You've been a bad kitten, running away from me like that." With that I regained ahold of myself and tried to scramble away from him. Sebastian pinned me to the door, slowly removing my upper clothes in a manner that just aggravated me more. "But if you were a good kitten there would be no fun in that." He smirked before pushing his lips against mine, biting my lower lip to gain entrance to my mouth. Sebastian pinched my nipple causing me mewl and moan at the same time, a noise he seemed to enjoy. He then broke the kiss and trailed his wet muscle down my jawline, to my neck and then it's destination, my nipple. As he tugged, licked and nipped my nipple my shorts became painfully tighter and my moans and mewls became louder. "Is there something kitten wants?" Sebastian whispered in my ear, pushing his hard member against my leg. I switched our positions so Sebastian was against the door then I sunk to my knees, fiddling with his pants until I got them off. His boxers were the only thing left trapping his member, I paused a moment before taking the hem in my teeth and at a teasingly slow pace I pulled off his boxers. I cautiously took a testing lick at his member, smirking when he shuddered. I felt a little bold so I took as much of his member as I could and bobbed, almost choking myself. I knew that wasn't the best idea so I slowly licked up and down his shaft, my teeth grazing his member which he actually seemed to like. Sebastian was obviously loosing his mind but I didn't really care, I wanted him to break, I wanted it all.

I licked precum from his member, swallowing the rather salty juices before looking at him and licking my lips slowly. "Mmmmmm." I purred, feeling triumphant when his eye flashed a demonic pink. Sebastian picked me up and carried me to my desk, somehow wiping everything of without breaking anything or leaving a mess. He removed the rest of my clothes, running his hands over my body until he stopped on my member and started slowly moving his hands up and down my shaft. I squirmed, bucking my hips into his hands, wanting more. Sebastian got my memo and finished that off quickly, taking the cum I released and spreading it in and around my entrance. "Sebas-chaaan~" I purred in a needy manner, enjoying the fact I could turn him on so easily. Sebastian smirked and pushed his member against my entrance before capturing my lips and pushing into me.

This cat thing wasn't so bad after all...


Ha, ha! Look what you get, nothing bitches...actually you get quite a bit of something you just don't get the rest of that something unless you wait for the next chapter. After that part about Sebastian's eyes flashing a demonic pink I BADLY wanted to write: You know, cause pink is a demonic colour. Was this lame? I'm sorry, I'm still not the best at writing smut. BLEH. Tell me what you think, I've been trying to become a better writer for you guys. Anywhore, sorry for any spelling mistakes. Make sure to check back for the next chapter! Comment, vote, etc.

Peace out my lovelies!

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