.4. Knock knock motherfucker..

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You slowly opened window in kitchen.
You almost quietly landed
Water dripped down your body and landed on floor with quiet *drip* sounds. It's night and every light is out.
Perfect. Just how you planed.
You observed your surroundings and your eyes landed on big mirror in living room. You were curious at how you looked right now, last time you saw your face was when you were in car.
Lighting flashed and just for a moment you saw your face...black eyes with white'x' who replaced your pupils.
All your body was wet from heavy rain.
Trough you didn't care

*Time skip*

'hmphmph!!!'' Four people were settled in circle tied to chair.

And you, well you were sitting in front of them on white coach lazily.

Shining gun, you were twirling it on your finger and clearing it.

One of tied humans were man. Two childrens and woman, as you guessed they are family.

Mam could speak...but words were stuck in his throat as he stared at your absolutely calm form.

He knew you.He saw you die.He helped to get rid of bodies.He knew you.

And here you are, in front of him and his whole family.

And you got bored.

You wanted answers.

You skillfully jumped from coach and got closer to him.


He spit out blood on floor.You punched him.

You've got your gun out again. This gun was silent, so no one would hear shot and call the police.

He slowly looked at white 'x' in place where should be your pupils.

You grabbed handful of his black hair and pulled him closer to your pale face.

''W-what d-do you want..?'' He asked in fair to anger you in any way.

You circled them, they whimpered and cried. You hate those sounds.

You pressed your gun to kids head.

Oooppss....you trough with emotional face, of course.

Your smile could never be showed on your face again.

Now his brains on plain white walls and photo frames.

Young women tried to escape one more time. No avail. You were to smart for them.

You pressed cold gun to her skull and looked at trembling man.

Hot tears streamed down her now pale face.Her child was dead.And she close to the same fate.

''I-I don't know what do you want! J-just say it!!'' He screamed.


You slowly walked to him. You learned closer to his face...your hand reached behind your hood.

*click* small click was heard. Next thing he know...his wife died from hear attack...

Your face...you couldn't even call 'this' face...

(A/N It's my moronic drawing...ehh...but I tried to make it cool! Sorry!)

Yellow substance dripped down his chair...he peed...ewww...

You eyes were smirking at him

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You eyes were smirking at him.

His wide like plates eyes watched you as you made your way to his older son.

''No!!!Not him! I plead you! I'm begging you! I will say where are the other and all I know! Just leave him!''

You put your mask back on.

                                                                         *Time skip 15 min later*

Blood were everywhere.On walls.On lamps.On ceiling.On floor.On door.On windows.Everywhere but not on you. That's how you worked.Always clear.

You whipped remind of blood on your gun.

I you would breath, you would have sigh, but no.You dead,and don't need any oxygen anymore.

You looked at your black wrist watch. Time is almost up.Just in time, as you planed.As always.

Small beep sound could hear in now red living room.


Sound quickened it's pace.

Explosion.House destroyed.Mission 5 complete.

Moving, again running. I need to move.To go further. To find them all.

Killing machine.Smart killing machine...very smart...always in trap...always in time...always perfect...

Now they knew you after them and nothing could stop you.Nothing.

One of them trough that hide in hotel from me.

Major mistake.


Your hood fell from your head.Everything went in slow motion. You crushed from the window.

Pieces of broken glass surrounded you.You pulled your legs under you and spread your hands out. You looked like a frog to say. Your 'x' like pupils gloved white. Absolutely calm face.

And behind you another explosion.Just behind your back fires bumed from the same window your broke.

You perfectly landed on your legs with quiet *thud*

You cheeked your watch. Right in time.Again perfect.

You were aware of another very strong presence.

You knew this one not good for you.


So you slipped in shadows and quickly made your way in dark woods. You needed to find another one of those monster. This one deep i dark and cursed woods.Smart ass.

When I was in the middle of woods, my leg sink underground.



My whole body sink underground in a mere of second and satic filled my head.

Ohohoh..think twice motherfucker..

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