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Slenderman walked dark mansion hallways. He reached his skinny and pale hand for very old book. Book was red with black diamond in front. When he took it in his hands, he could hear billions whispers...and aura changed in darker one.
Creepypasta book.
It's been so long since last time he touched this. He flipped pages looking for something...or rather for someone...
He stopped.
There you are. New killer. Yeah that's right! You were in that book. He wanted to know more information about you and your weak side. Oh how he was surprised that there was no information, even your photo was blurred.This is not right. This can't be truth. Creepypasta book know every single information of very Creepypasta and even himself. But then why there no information about you?
He was clearly angry by that fact.
He closed red book and teleported in forest.
*With you in dark forest*
If you think that swamp can kill you...think twice.
There you are, standing your back where swamps were. All in dirt.Yep, you can't teleport but you find another way to cross that swamp. What are you really trough that you were stupid enough to drown yourself in swamp? No. You did it on purpose.
Anyway, you whipped your face and your black eyes with gloving white 'x' in  flew open. No voice came out of you.
Like always.
Then you remember about that static.
'The heck was that?' You trough.
Then again. Static filled your head.
You squirmed your eyes a little and tilted your head in confusing way.
Swamp dripped from your cold body.
You knew this one mean no good for you. And your time is ticking. You can't be late.Can't.You looked around and took in deep breath. This one you do to track your victim down. Trough it's happens very rare, only if you wanted to play a little.

That scent.

Whatever is hiding behind those trees is not human.

Something cold dripped down your nose.


You slowly reached your hand under you nose and brought your hand in your line of view.


Yeah, your heart is not beating anymore but that doesn't mean that you can't bleed, just very slowly.

'What the heck?' You then felt that black aura in front of you.

There it stood.

Clearly angry at your presence. You turned in other direction where that small home should be and started to walk not even bothering to pay attention to that thing.

You don't have time for it.

Something warm like snake wrapped around your waist and harshly threw you in near tree.


Your bones cracked.You dropped dead on the ground face fist in the dirt.

'hahaha' ring in your head. Your list missions for today changed a little.

You quickly jumped on your legs and sat in frog style observing your enemy.

This thing is called Operator or Slenderman and it's clearly mad at you.

Few weeks ago you find out about your mutation, you can heal fast.

You tilted your head aside and just stare at him waiting for his next actions.

Tentackles shot in your direction. You easily dodge every of them and jumped on one of them running right at Operator.

You jumped high in air with daggers in your hands and landed right on his chest piercing his 'face'. Black like blood thing leaked from him.

You landed on your feet perfectly and run in house direction knowing that thing will heal very fast.

You crashed right trough kitchen window. Killed fast and took one thing from his house.

Mission complete.

And now run as fast as I can, which is pretty fast.

And again strong force shoved me into tree.

'Fuck' my vision went blur. While I tried to see a thing his tentackles wrapped my whole body.

It brought me close to his 'face' and I could hear tearing flesh sounds.

'Not so fast moron' I knew very well he wanted to eat me.

His tentackles now wrapped my head and started to squish me.

I heard small *click* sound and knew he broke my mask. Bad mistake.

As soon as my mask shifted a little I jerked my head and sink my long sharp teeth into him.

He roared as I chew whole bit of him, and I must say...his flesh is...delicious...

'I want more...' My eyes started to glow.

He dropped me. As soon as my feet touched ground I again jumped on him and now bit his neck and drunk his blood like a vampire.

'Tasty...' My mind went black from that taste...this is what I need, his blood is poisoned...I need poison...This liquid will help me to safe my body.

My wrist watch beeped and I came to my senses. I need to go home now.

I glanced at bleeding creature and my broken mask...He clenched his neck to stop the bleeding.

And my mask laid on forest ground.

'Oh forget it' I quickly made my way out of forest.

And there right in my way stood...

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