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I hear Sally snoring quietly on my back. It's already evening and I know only one place where I can stay with those two.You see after my little gift to cops and brutally murdered doc they searching me with all their might and with their currently state they can't escape them.

''Ughh..'' Jane groaned. She's waking up.

I can't see her face but she is sure staring at me.

''Why are you helping me? Where is Sally?!'' She yelled last part.

'Damn loud! Watch your mouth!' I trough. Sally heard her yelling and shifted on my back.

''Ssshhhh Jane! Be quiet!'' She whispered to Jane

''Sally! How are feeling? Did she didd something to you??'' Jane asked worriedly.

''No Jane, she helped us! She even gave you her hoodie! Now be quiet, cops are on our tale!'' Jane eyes went wide.

Jane P.O.V

She gave me her hoodie? So that's why I'm feeling so warm...

I looked at her face but I only can see those black eyes with 'x'.

I looked at her body...Blush crossed my face, it's a good thing I have mask.

Huh?  She's so cold...I was curious and reached shakily and placed my hand where should be her heart...dead....so that's why she so cold.

As soon as my hand touched her body she stopped dead in her tracks.

Normal P.O.V

'Motherfucker...' I trough. They very close, to close for my liking...

I stopped and spotted big tree. I prepared myself to jump on it.

''What are you doing?'' asked Sally.

I just turned around and jumped back on ground.

''Jane what did you do?'' Sally panicked ob option to be left with cops.

''Nothing! I was just curious about her...'' Jane was upset to.

You turned back to them and motioned to be quiet.

They went silent and just stared at you.

''Where did they go? I could swore I saw then minute ago!'' Cop with flash light whispered to another one.

''I think they went this way...'' Cops were right under tree where sat Sally and Jane.

''There they are!'' Second cop shout pointing his gun at Sally and Jane.

In corner of her eye Jane saw figure move in shadows.

In a mere of a second something jumped on first cop  back and ripped open it with two sparkling daggers.

Second cop shakily pointed his gun at you and whispered.

''H-hands u-up! or I shoot!'' You slowly neared him looking on ground, your hands were by your sides with bloody daggers in them.

*BAM* cop shot you in your heart. Bullet went out and hit tree behind you.Sally and Jane gasped.

Your reaction was just standing there like nothing even happened.

Then in a flash cops head was two steps away from his body.

You walked to his body


You grabbed his pistol and checked for bullets, one missing.

'I keep this one for myself'

You did same thing to second cop.

▪️[▪️[I'll Be Sure You Crack And Fall]▪️]▪️ Creepypasta X Insane Reader 2Where stories live. Discover now