.16. Psychical

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It all felt like nightmare for me. That nasty feeling of black as night sticky hands grabbing all my body whispering all my fears.

It felt like I was drifting away, it felt like I was deaf like cotton filled my ears, like tape was holding my eyelids together, like ropes made of steel trapped my body like python.


But there's always a moment when you open your eyes.

Cracking open your eyes you found something in them. Lifting up hand and rubbing them you felt pain in every inch of your weak body.

Something was incredible wrong. But you couldn't tell.

Your head was foggy ad everything you felt was ringing in it. Just like cotton was in your ears.

Or maybe it was that quiet. Feeling something other than tears on your fingers you tried to focus your eyes on it.

Finding white x shaped bandages you remembered what were those.

Sitting up you for a second though your back was made of wood.

Everything hurts so bad. Bringing up your arms and holding head you tangled your pale and slender fingers in your messy (h/c) locks.

They were still short since in that place all subjects wore same haircuts.

Finally when feeling like being on carousel left you and gagging reflex stopped you hugged your knees closer to your chest afraid to look around.

Time passed and in dark room you were placed in you could not tell what time was it or how long you were sitting here.

Finally mustering up all your courage you lifted up your face from knees letting your eyes to adjust to bright lamp that was above your head, you guessed that because of your shadow.

Your slow gaze bore in dirty walls and sharp object that hung on them.

Breathing out weak grunt or moan from pain your eyes widened.

....You finally guessed what was nagging you so hard.

........................................................you were alive......................................................................

Instantly having panic attack you gripped at your head

You were alive, only weak human, with no protection no home...Useless.

You tried to grip on reality with your stiff and cold fingers but no use.

Finally getting yourself together you tried to remake what happened before you passed out.

Looking at your body you found RED blood mixed with what was left of yours black goo blood.

Now after gaining sense of your surroundings you found out that you were alone and chill air in this room wasn't helping at all.

Slowly like in fear to anger non existent beast in shadows your toes touched cold floor.

Carefully you slide off of metal table witch was all smeared in your blood you gripped cold metal for support. Mumbling to yourself and scowling you found out that your voice and mouth were in good shape.

"must be...my body was so flexible because I couldn't feel pain and regenerated fast..."

Clicking tongue you twitched in pain and tried to force your feet to hold your weight.

''Come on..Come on work please..'' Staring at your pale bare feet with vision turning blurry again you pleaded.

Finally being able to stand on your own you took a cautious step forward sliding your numb hands on wall trying to find something.

Hearing your nails scratch wooden surface you breathed out tensing up.

Gripping what you assumed was handle you cracked door open finding it not locked.

Instantly shivering at cold wind hitting your shaking form.

Scanning area for possible danger you moved again hearing your fast heartbeat and your bare feet hitting now wooden floor.

Taking shallow breaths you prayed everything in world that no one was there..

You were human now and your emotions were back...It was normal thing to fear this pace so much..

Noticing more door you turned your head left..black hallway with doors on each side leading in god knows where..

Turning head to right nothing changed. Leaning your back on wall most likely leaving blood on it you tried to think of rational plan..

Finding your mind blank you bite your bottom lip deciding to just move.

Hissing in pain here and there still trying to stay unnoticed after some time you reached something like living room..

It was dark and large...Something was giving light and buzzing reached your ears mixed with creepy tune or rather music...

Wall you were supporting yourself with ended and you were forced o walk on your own.

With stiff fingers you grabbed couch stumbling over your own feet you sucked up pain and looked at what was causing this annoying buzzing sound.

White bright light hit your face and you narrowed eyes hissing.

Finally adjusting to it's light you saw it was huge TV witch was glitching.

Looking closer you saw water dripping from it's screen.


Those thoughts hit you hard and fast.

Feeling your heart raise it's speed even more and pulsating feeling in your ears your throat went dry.

Cold sweet dripped down between your shoulder blades. Looking away from screen you saw controller and game...An old Nintendo 64 was peacefully working for no one.

For a second there you though that this soulless piece of plastic and metal was smirking at your shaking form.

Screen flickered again showing for a moment red letters.

You didn't saw what was written on screen clearly but you were certain what it showed game's name.

You shoulders twitched when cold kind of glitching faint laugh reached your ears.

Placing both hands on your chest as in fear for your heart break your rib cage you slowly turned head to look what was behind you.

Your bottom lip trembled and you prepared yourself to see worsts.

Oh how thankfully you were when nothing aside from darkness was standing behind you.

Letting out shaky whimper in relief you turned back to TV thinking that that laugh was just illusion that your broken and tired brain created.

You were sure to learn your lesson for the future...Or you could hope to have future and not die right here right now.

In front of your eyes was creature with black holes instead of eyes and cat like irises boring holes in your pale flesh.

Again this maddening sick broken laugh. Now you knew who was owner of that cruel cackle.

''Don't turn your back to your enemy..." His voice dripped venom.

Freezing in place you watched how his mouth turned in scowl and somehow satisfied smile.

The last thing you saw was his eyes and feeling your stiff body hit cold and wet? floor...

Eyes rolled back with your mind shutting down from this all illogical situation.

It just couldn't take this amount of fear and stress.

(A/N Hope I didn't disappointed you with my long ass update...Don't worry this is not the end you will meet moreeee~)

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