†Chapter One†

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"I am sorry to announce L is dead," Roger told Mello, Near and I. Tears started to pour down my face. "He can't be, He can't leave me here, he cant," I whispered to myself. "It was just a dream, nothing more," I remembered the dream I had been having for the passed three nights, I would watch L die and there was nothing I could do about it, he would be watching a screen then his eyes would widen and he would say. "You guy's the shini-" the life would leave his eyes and he would fall off the chair. The last thing I would see is a boy with light brown hair and brown eyes, he would stand there laughing, and then I would wake up. I started laughing, "That's such a funny joke Roger, you're hilarious," I said between laughter. I turned towards the door. "Any second now L will walk through that door announce Kira's defeat and he will smile as we all cheer, he would tell us stories about how it happened and the things he did in Japan, Any second now," I said. More tears fell as time passed. They looked at me with pity. A chocked sob came from my lips. Mello placed a hand on my shoulder. I broke away and ran from the room. L. L you can't be gone. "L you cant just leave me here, you promised you would always be with me, no matter what, and you told me that if anything were to happen to you he would have to take care of me, he will take me away! I don't want to go away!" I sobbed. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I put all my belongings into a bag. I looked around my room all that was left was a black teddy bear with an English style L on its' chest, I had named him after the person who gave him to me. L, Lawliet but I called him Law. When you pressed its' hand L's voice spoke to me. I looked under my bed to see four boxes. One held a silver Rosary on a long chain, a picture of my two best friends and I, along with a giant chocolate M and a card on top that said 'Mello,' the next box held a 2500 piece blank puzzle and a collector toy robot he had always wanted but never bought, and there was a card on top that said, 'Near,' in the next box was a brand new red DSi and a card that said 'Matt,' In the last box was something I would now never be able to give away, it was a picture of Near, Mello, Matt, Myself and my brother, L. It was framed and beside it there was a signed CD of his celebrity crush Misa-Misa. On the top of the box was an L. I left my duffle bag in place and grabbed 3 of the 4 boxes. I went to Matt' room first. I knocked.

"A little busy come back later!" I heard him shout over the sounds of his video games. I knew this would happen so I took out a previously written short letter that said 'Matt you are my best friend but its' time we part ways keep Mello in line for me, and don't die either of you watch out for each other, goodbye Matt, I'll miss you, -Loyalty' I put it on the box and left it outside the door. Then I went to see Near. I knocked.

"Enter," I heard him say, I went in and saw him playing with his toys.

"Near? I just wanted you to know your like a little brother to me, be safe, I'll miss you," He stopped and turned to me.

"You're leaving?" He asked frowning. I nodded. I gave him his present and walked out the door.

"Goodbye," I said sadly and walked to Mello's room. I knocked then walked in. Mello was packing. "You're leaving?" I asked,

He nodded."Tomorrow morning,"

"I wanted to give you this, as a goodbye present," I handed him the gift.

"Wait you didn't know I was leaving until 2 minutes ago, you're leaving?" I nodded sadly.

"Then lets go together we can take Matt and solve the Kira case together," He said taking hold of my shoulders and smiling. He frowned as I shook my head.

"I cant I'm not leaving voluntarily you could say I'm being adopted, I have to leave tonight the sooner the better, I just wanted to say goodbye I don't know when I will see you again," I told him.

"Come on ditch them and come with me," I shook my head again he let go of my arms his hands turning into fists. Then he opened them his eyes brimmed with tears. He hugged me. "I'm going to miss you Loyalty,"

Loyalty (Death Note Mello Story)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now