†Chapter Nine†

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  I watched as a women wrote on a ripped piece of paper. I walked over to her to see what she was writing my eyes widened, it was Mello's name. His real name but how did she know? I took note of my surroundings we were in a truck there was a small window, the women was naked but she had a blanket that she was clutching close to her. The whole truck shook as it crashed, I looked through the window to see a figure slumped dead over the steering wheel but the thing was I could recognize his blonde hair anywhere. Mello... The women took out a cell phone and dialed a number.
"Light ..., I .... Light, Light, please save me! Oh, OK. No, no, I don't know where I am. I was put into a truck that was locked from the outside. But we were on a freeway and I caught a glimpse of the sign that said we were heading to Nagano. Right now, I think we've parked inside of the building somewhere. Y-yes, I remember. I remember. I did what you told me to, Light. I did it! I didn't struggle even when he stripped me naked. I did exactly as you said I made survival my first priority, and, and I did it. Please, Light, I did everything that you told me to. Come quickly, save me! I, I know! But, but, Light! ... I can do it." Then she hung up. Light that name it sounds familiar. The scene changed and I was in a hotel room I could tell by the view it was in L.A. I immediately recognized the people in the room their were two, this also answered my earlier question of where I knew the name Light. Light Yagami he was suspected for being Kira, and he was one of the people in the room. The other was Misa Amane suspected of being the second Kira and also she was Light's girlfriend. But there was something else in the room, not a human but a Shinigami.
"Ryuk, as of now, I'm going to forfeit ownership of this notebook. All I ask is that you agree to follow whichever person I give it to." Light ordered the SHinigami. No way Notebook? Ownership? He was talking about the Death Note. Light Yagami had a Death Note, Ryuk was the Shinigami who had that Death Note and Misa Amane was the second Kira.
"What?! You're giving up ownership again?!" Ryuk asked.
"But wait! Won't you lose all your memories if you do that?!" Misa asked. I had already decided that this girl annoyed me.
"Misa, lend me your notebook. I'll keep it on me like this. That way, even if I forfeit ownership of my notebook, I won't lose my memory. I'll give you as many pages as you need. From this moment on, you are going to be Kira. Can you do that?" Light asked. Wait did he just say he was going to hide the Death Note in his pants? I smirked. This guy sure was something; I'll admit he was a bit attractive but not my type that's for sure. I had also felt a hatred for him; he did kill a bunch of people including my brother and Beyond Birthday.
"Of course, but I don't get why you are doing this." Misa said cheerfully.
"I'll explain everything to you right now. I won't forgive any mistakes." Light said trying to sound mysterious I scoffed and had the Shinigami turn to me, his eyes widened a bit. Wait he could see me? I thought this was a dream?
"Who are you?" He asked me. I looked into his eyes and he seemed to falter a bit he looked almost scared.
"Ryuk who are you talking to? There is no one here," Light said. Ryuk looked at him, then Misa then back at me.
"Just as I thought, I will ask again, you don't have much time and I want answers, who are you?" Ryuk ask he was facing me now.
"I'm sure you'll be seeing me again soon, as to answer your question, I go by many names Sin, but you can call me L, the real L, I will tell you now that Yagami Light will pay for what he has done to this world, he is only human and he has no right to control other's lives, I will stop him, I promise you that," I threatened something must have happened because his eyes widened.
"What are you?" He stuttered taking a couple steps back then the scene changed again everything was dark, I heard someone talking, it sounded like Osore. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple time letting my eyes adjust. I saw Osore looking at me along with another Shinigami. "Osore? Where Mello?" I asked, immediately worried about his safety.
"Don't worry he's safe, this is the Shinigami Sidoh, the Mafia now own's his Death Note," I nodded looking at the Shinigami. He wore heavy clothing that obscured most of his features, and his head was wrapped in bandages. His arm's were almost insect like. Though he has "hands", there are only three fingers on each appendage. He had an almost childish Aura he seemed to be foolish but I could sense that once I got to know him we would become friends just like Osore and I were.
"So Osore have my eyes changed color?" I asked looked at him he nodded. "What color are they now?"
"Well they are a yellowing green and you have red pupils, are your Shinigami yes activated?" He asked as he started pacing.
"Yes I think so, Osore while I was asleep I had a vision almost I watched Mello die, his name was written on a ripped piece of paper and he had a heart attack, I know he doesn't have much time left, him or Matt, I wish there was something I could do this is tearing me apart, but that's not all the scene changed and I was in a Hotel room in L.A there was a Shinigami Ryuk I think was his name he was talking with Misa Amane and Light Yagami, Light was in possession of the Death Note and Ryuk he could see me we had a conversation, but Light and Misa couldn't see me, but if that really happened then I know for a fact that Light Yagami is Kira and Misa Amane is the second Kira," I explained,
"Osore you didn't how? Do you know how much trouble you could get into if The King found out? What about when she turns after she dies how will you explain it?" Sidoh asked obviously worried for Osore.
"Osore what's going on?" I asked as I pushed the blankets off me and planted my feet on the floor, He just walked away. "Sidoh what were you two talking about? Please tell me," I begged.
"What Osore did was wrong, in fact in the Shinigami realm it is forbidden, by making the eye deal with someone who already possesses the eyes of a Shinigami not only cuts that human's life in half but to do this the Shinigami takes half of their lifespan not only does this save them from an afterlife of nothing, when the human dies they will turn into a Shinigami, We were told by the King not to do this if we were ever to find someone who was born with the eyes, he told us the dangers it causes to them and us, Osore he must really care to risk everything for a human," I looked at the floor. Osore cares about me? I knew we were friends, but this what are the consequences to making the deal with me? Could I cause Osore to lose his Shinigami life? I never wanted this, I never wanted to put my friends in danger. I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I clenched my fist.
"Why does this have to happen? Why does danger follow me everywhere I go, My friends die and its' all my fault I thought this way I can help prevent more of my friends death's but I was wrong, I was so wrong, I failed everyone," I began crying not caring that a stranger Shinigami was standing awkwardly in front of me.
"Um I am going to go tell Mello you're awake," Sidoh said he was about to leave when he stopped.
"No need I'm here," I heard Mello's voice say from behind me. My eyes widened a bit. How much did he hear?
"Mello I was just about to go get you, how long have you been there?" Sidoh asked.
"Long enough, Sidoh go guard the front door, tell someone if anyone is coming, but I don't want anyone coming in here unless it is urgent," Mello said I looked down nervously I could tell he was upset. No upset wasn't the right word he was down right pissed off. I heard Sidoh leave. I heard Mello sigh. "Loyalty, you have no idea how much I have worried about you," Wait, what? He was worried? I looked at him as he came over and sat beside me on the bed.
"Mello I-" I started, he put a finger on my lips and I felt myself blush. He dropped his hand and looked at me.
"Let me finish, when you left the orphanage I was so torn up, I thought I would never see you again, I was depressed and angry I blamed you I tried to forget about you and I tried to hate you, but I couldn't it was to hard, and when I saw you again, I knew everything was going to be alright, I knew that my life would start to pick up, I pushed all thoughts of beating Near to the side and I focused on something else, you, I never had the guts to say anything about how I felt towards you but if everything works out the way I have it planned to, I may not be around for much longer and I have to tell you, I tried a couple times but we always got interrupted and now, well Loyalty I have to tell you that I always have and always will love you with every fiber in my body," My eyes widened and I looked at him. My mouth fell open. Mello loves me? Mello has always felt this way about me ad this whole time I felt the same way about him, I was overjoyed. He looked away ashamed. "I knew it, I knew you didn't feel the same way about me as I did about you, I-" I put a finger on his lips as he had done to me moments before.
"Mello, just look at me," I ordered softly, he looked up and our eyes met. "Mello this whole time you loved me?" He nodded. I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. His eyes widened a bit. "Mihael Keehl I love you," I said he smiled and pulled me into a kiss it was rough but sweet at the same time. I felt fireworks go off nothing could ruin this moment. Absolutely. Nothing.  

Loyalty (Death Note Mello Story)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now