†Chapter Two†

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When I woke up I was in a queen-sized bed, the top of the bed was against the wall. It had soft black sheets and my bear Law sat beside me. The room was dark, deep blue and the roof had glow in the dark stars on it. The right wall was just a giant window with a view that took my breath away; the window overlooked a beautiful city that I knew to be Los Angeles the sun shone down on the bright buildings and people were walking outside I noticed most were talking on cell phones but I couldn't see that well I was guessing we were about 15-20 stories up. Across the room for me were two doors one said Washroom and the other said Closet. I also noticed my bag and there was a black desk in the corner. I turned to my left to see a door that I could only assume led to the rest of the apartment. I wonder if Watari made pancake? I thought to myself as a sweet familiar smell reached my nose. I looked down at my hands that were resting on my lap. Watari couldn't have made pancakes and L wont cover them in chocolate chips, sprinkles and sugar, because they are both gone. I grabbed my teddy bear and hugged him tightly. Pressed a small button on his hands.

"Hello Loyalty did you have a good day?" the bear asked in L's voice. I fought back tears and pressed the hand again. "I hope tomorrow is a good day to," I pressed the hand again. "I miss you Loyalty," I felt tears start to come out of my eyes. I pressed the small button once more. "I will always be with you no matter what," I started sobbing. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I managed to choke out. BB became visible in the door way.

"You are awake I thought I heard voices, everything alright?" He asked. I nodded. "If there is anything you want to talk about just let me know I don't know what I would be able to do, but, yeah well just let me know if you need anything," I nodded.

"Thanks, Is this room mine?" I asked rubbing tears from my eyes. Whenever L left the orphanage to go on a case he would tell me not to cry and to be strong, he would tell me to remember that even if he was gone I had friends who loved me and that every thing would alright, and he would promise me that when he got back we would go for ice cream and he would tell me stories about his case. I smiled at the memory.

"Of course so is the closet is filled with clothes all your size and the washroom is your to, I can show you around the apartment when ever you want, I also took the liberty of buying you a laptop so you could email your friends, if you want I could leave you be and you could email them now, I am just letting you know that pancakes are ready," He said managing a small smile. But that was when the fact finally reached me I didn't have any ones email, not even Matt's Tears reached my eyes again. I tried to get rid of the tears that fell down my face. You can always send them as letter, I thought to myself. But what if they didn't answer Mello said that if I walked out that door he would hate me and never talk to me again, he looked so hurt I cant believe I just left. He was always there for me and I left him. I tried to stop crying. I noticed I was still in the clothes I was in yesterday.

"Thank you BB I am just going to take a shower and change, I am also going to write a letter to my friends," I told him he nodded and left. I got up and went to the closet after grabbing my bag, It was a giant walk in closet filled with clothes all my style and size, Just like BB told me. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a baggy black shirt; I also grabbed a black tank top, a bra and underwear along with black socks. I took a shower and got changed then I grabbed my journal.

'These passed few days have been hard I figured out that Kira killed L. Beyond Birthday is now my legal guardian he isn't as bad as everyone thinks, we had moved to Los Angeles I got my own room, washroom and walk in closet filled with clothes, I found out what the names and numbers above other peoples heads mean, The names are their real names and the numbers are how long they have to live, you have to divide the number above there head by 3,556 and if you want to figure out the number of years divide that number by 365, it is quite simple really but what worries me is how little time some of my friends have left, I wish I were with them now I need to spend as much time as I can with them. Something has been floating around in my mind it describes my whole situation with L,

Loyalty (Death Note Mello Story)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now