†Chapter Ten†

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When I finally came to I was lying on a bed, the room was small and there was a window, and sleeping beside my bed I saw Mello with bandages on the side of his face. I put a hand on the side of his face. He stirred slightly. His eyes opened. "Loyalty your awake, are you feeling alright?" He asked. I nodded.
"I am fine I am glad that you are alright, I'm guessing the side of your face got badly burnt though, I'm-" Before I could finish Mello pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back of course and when we finally pulled away we were both smiling.
"Loyalty I was so worried about you, what if I had hurt you? Its' my fault your hurt in the first place," I shook my head.
"Mello it wasn't I went to find you when you told me to leave,"
"Why did you want to find me?" I blushed and looked at him.
"Well Mello I wanted to find you because well, I love you Mello," I blurted out, he seemed a bit shocked but then he smiled and kissed me again.
"I love you too Loyalty," Lets just say that night was the best.

The next morning I woke up in Mello's arms , he was looking at me smiling.
"Morning," I giggled, yes I giggled.
"Morning Loyalty," I heard Matt pounding on the door.
"Um are you alright Mello haven't come out and the door is locked, Is Loyalty alright?" He asked.
"We will be out in a second and Loyalty's fine!" Mello shouted back at him.
"Wow someone's grumpy," I heard him mumble I laughed again.
"What wrong Mello?"
"I don't want to get up," He whined.
"Well we have to, where are we anyway?" I asked.
"Oh we are in Japan you were out for almost a week and we decided if we moved here we could make more progress, I grabbed everything I could that was yours' I managed to pack a bag of stuff for you before I blew up the base, its' on that chair over there," He said motioning to a chair with a suit case, I nodded and kissed him.
"Thanks Mello," After we both got dressed, We went to the living room, Matt was playing a video game and looked up t us when we came in.
"Loyalty your awake do you feel alright?" He asked I nodded.
"Yes thank you Matt, so what do we have planned for the day?" I asked.
"Well I figure we take a break from Kira hunting and have some fun, I found this great new video game store since Mello blew up most of my video games I figure we go there get more and then go out for ice cream and then sight see," He said.
"Wow you have the whole day planned out," Mello sighed. Matt nodded happily, I held onto Mello's hand and the three of us went to the video game store Matt was talking about, he bought a bunch of games and then we went for ice cream, We talked and laughed and got along, we didn't fight or anything, it felt like we were just three friends in Japan, hanging out and having fun. No Kira, no killing, I felt normal, but I was a bit upset that I hadn't seen Osore all day. We went sight seeing around Tokyo then went back to our apartment. We watched horror movies until I fell asleep with my head on Mello's lap and my feet on Matt's lap just like when I had met up with them again. This was the best day ever and honestly I wish things could stay this way.

  Well of course I knew that things couldn't stay that way, I knew that things would change that it was my job to catch Kira, and I would. Weeks have passed since that day, I found that sometimes in the mornings I wouldn't feel well, I went to the doctor and he told me I was pregnant, pregnant wow. I was in shock at first Mello and I we had only done, that once. I knew that I would have to tell Mello he was the father and he deserved to know, but how would he respond would he be angry? I hid it from Matt and Mello well. They had both have been very busy lately they were planning something but neither would tell me what it was. On one night I sat watching TV Matt came home from the store, Osore went with him and came throught the door just after him, Matt nodded at Mello who sat beside me.
"So Loyalty, I ran into Near the other day," Mello said simply.
"You what and you never told me? Well where is he I haven't seen him in forever," I said happily.
"We can go see him now, get ready," Matt replied. I nodded and went to change, I wore a baggy shirt and I grabbed a small bag that had my death note in it. because well I had been gaining a bit of weight, I had to tell Mello soon. "Are you sure about this?" I heard Matt ask.
"Yeah," Was Mello's sad reply. Sure about what? What happened? I went to the living room where they were. "I'm taking the motor cycle do you want to ride with me or Matt?" Mello asked holding out another helmet.
"You of course." I smiled. I was in a good mood today. I got on the motorcycle. Osore frowned, he followed us and after a long drive we got to what I assumed was Near hideout. The three of us went inside Mello knocked on a door and a women with blonde hair answered. They exchanged a glance and she nodded. Mello turned to me grabbing me by the shoulders lightly.
"Loyalty, I love you more then anything in the world, hell I love you more then chocolate, I wish I could stay here, but I cant" I looked at the lifeline above Mello's head then at Matt's they both said that they would die, today. Tear threatened my eyes.
"What are you going to do?" I asked them. They glanced at each other. "Answer me damn it, don't you dare go and get yourselves killed, you cant leave me here," I told them angrily. I felt Osore put a hand on my shoulder, Mello pecked me on the lips.
"I'm so sorry Loyalty, I love you," He said. I felt someone grab my wrist pulling me into the room where the women was, Osore followed. I was sobbing now I couldn't control it.
"Mello! Mello damn it you cant leave me!" I shouted, I got out of the girls grasp and tried to open the door. "Mello you can't leave us!" I shouted. I fell to my knees. "You cant leave us Mello," I said between sobs.
"Who's us?" I heard the female ask, I glared at her,
"You, you knew about this, what are they doing we have to stop them!" I shouted at her,
"Loyalty, calm down, this was there idea I tried to talk them out of it, but I failed," I heard a voice say my eyes widened a bit and I looked passed her to see Near crouched on the ground in front of a bunch of computers surrounding him were toy blocks and a familiar robot.
"N... Near?" I asked more tears falling.
"you said us and now you are holding your stomach, I'm assuming Mello is the father?" He asked how did he figure that out. Mello he never knew, he would never know and he would never see his child grow up. I broke down into sobs again. I heard him get up, I noticed how tall he was when he stood up straight, he looked like a child while he was sitting down. He put a hand on my shoulder, I hugged him tightly.
"Yes he is, I missed you so much Near," I told him. He nodded.
"I missed you to Loyalty," We stayed like that for about five minutes then I turned to Osore who looked guilty I rubbed my eyes trying to stop the tears.
"Osore, may you please follow them? Tell me when it happens?" He nodded and left.
"Osore? There is no on else here," I reached into my bag and pulled out my death Note. "So this is the Death Note? What have you figured out about the Kira case?" He asked taking the Notebook from my hands and flipping through it, "Halle may you turn on the news, any channel," It wasn't a question more like an order. The women from earlier turned on the news. There was a breaking news broadcast and I immediately recognized Matt's red car, I covered my mouth with one of my hands when I saw him laying beside the drivers seat of his car hundreds of dents in the car and Matt had been shot multiple times. I let out another sob, one of my best friends was dead.
"Loyalty," I heard Osore's familiar voice behind me I turned just as Near let out a gasp. I shook my head.
"He isn't, please tell me Mello's alright, tell me he made it," Osore's face fell,
"Loyalty I, I wish I could," He told me, I began crying again and Halle put a hand on my shoulder.
"Near I assume she is staying with us?" I saw him nodded. "I will send someone to get all of your things," She told me I shook my head,
"I'll do that now," I told her through tears.
"I'll come with you," I nodded she drove me back to the apartment after I had given her directions, I left my Death Note with Near Osore stayed to tell him everything I knew about Kira, except of course his identity, no one would believe me if I just started accusing Light Yagami of being Kira well I doubt that would go well, I didn't have any proof. I gathered up my things and went into Matts room, it smelt like cigarettes but it wasn't an overpowering smell, I had just got myself to stop crying and I felt more tears fall down my cheeks. "So how far along are you? With the pregnancy I mean," I heard Halle ask from behind me.
"Not very long a couple weeks," I told her, she nodded.
"Did you want anything of theirs?" she asked I didn't reply. I looked at a couple pictures that Matt had of him and Mello when they were younger and one of the three of us. I took those and then I grabbed the shirt Mello always let me borrow, I grabbed a couple picture he had and I was about to take his favorite leather jacket when I saw something fall out of the pocket, I picked it up and saw it was a small box inside was the most gorgeous ring I had every seen, Was he? Had he been planning to propose? I noticed a black book with a leather cover sitting on his desk, I brought that with me along with the ring and jacket.

It had been a week or so since then. The book ended up being something like a journal; it did say that he was going to propose after we had caught Kira. Near and I became better friends along with Halle and I. We had a plan to catch Kira and now we were in a warehouse meeting with Yagami Light and many others.
"It's them. Those four are the SPK, and the one wearing the mask is Near. I am unsure of who the fifth one in the mask is," Aizawa said, I was also wearing my usual mask. I had my bag with me with my Death Note inside. Osore stood behind us.
"Oh I'm sorry please let me introduce myself, but of course Yagami Light we have already met," I smirked, I took off my mask and his eyes widened.
"Well Indeed we have but I never did catch your name," He said smoothly. I smirked.
"It's Loyalty, just Loyalty," I told them,
"Huh, hang on, am I the only one who sees something wrong?! He can go around accusing people of being Kira. But the fact he's wearing a mask says he's only trying to protect himself, not anyone else!" Matsuda exclaimed.
"Hello Matsuda its' nice to see you," I said calmly.
"It's just a precaution. There's a good possibility that Kira has already seen the faces of everyone in this warehouse except for mine. In fact, he may be writing down your names as we speak. So, I'd like to wait for one hour, no, make it 30 minutes. That should give us more than enough time to see if anyone is being controlled before they die." Near explained.
"Huh, what?! You're gonna wait and see if we die?!" Matsuda shouted Near was silent, half hour passed. I noticed Light smile occasionally. Osore had stayed quiet this whole time.
"Near!! It's already been over 30 minutes! Nothing's happened yet!" Matsuda shouted
"Of course, not. That's because Kira is not here with us." Light told us I glared.
"You seem very sure of yourself Light, perhaps to sure," I snarled.
"Very well. Everyone seems to be safe. I'll remove my mask now." Near said removing his mask.
"You're quiet, Near. What's wrong? Are you still waiting for something?"
""Waiting?" That's an excellent choice of words. Yes, I am waiting for the arrival of the one who will solve everything once and for all." Near explained.
"Someone else is supposed to clear this up?" Ide asked.
"He'll be here soon. It's only a matter of time. There is only one entrance to this bldg. and the only way to look inside is by opening that door. That means he'll either walk through that door, or, at the very least, open it and peep through." Near explained.
"And just who is this person, anyway?!" Matsuda asked.
"X-Kira; the one who's currently using the notebook and killing people on Kira's behalf. He's bound to come here and bring the notebook with him. And then, he'll see me, and write down my real name. Or rather, he'll write down the names of everyone here who knows about the notebook, and kill them." He explained. Everyone looked shocked. They started to object and Near explained more.
"Yes, that's correct. Now, listen carefully. If someone comes into the warehouse through that door, just let him in without resisting. If the door opens slightly, simply act as if you don't notice anyone there. He's already here!" Near exclaimed, I rolled my eyes he was being so dramatic, I noticed Osore looked nervously.
"We took repossession of the notebook and replaced the pages. The person behind the door has been doing the killings for Kira. He's also been using exactly one page everyday. Based on that, I was able to replace the page he would use today as well as all subsequent pages so that no one else would die. On the other side of that door is X-Kira. My guess is, in roughly 40 seconds, he'll look inside to see if we are dead. That's when we restrain him and seize the notebook. Whoever his name is not written down must be Kira." He explained. They continued talking and I noticed Light smile. I was going to have fun with this torture the man who took everything from me.
"Well Light you seem rather happy, why the smug smile you are about to die and you seem happy, wont you miss you girlfriend? Wont you miss living?" I asked.
"Are you accusing me of being Kira?" He snarled.
"I said nothing of the sort I simply pointed out how happy you were," I told him with a smile, I looked behind me at Osore.
"Loyalty, are you prepared to use the back up plan?" Near asked I simply nodded.
"Wait a back up plan you mean you aren't sure if this will really work?" Matsuda asked.
"Oh no I know this will work, but I also know that Kira isn't the only one with the power to kill so easily," Near said. At this even Light looked shocked.
"What do you mean?" Ide asked.
"Everyone lives for as long as they are required to it is wrong for someone as low as Kira to end their lives before necessary, but even Kira will have his time of death, as much as Kira wants to live he will die someday," I told them no one seemed to know what to say, Light glared at me. "Have I hit a nerve Light Yagami?" I asked drawing everyone's attention to him.
"No, I am simply curious I notice you don't seem to be afraid of death either Loyalty, you seem perfectly calm a little to calm if you ask me," He smirked he thought he had me figured out. "You there, outside. Have you finished writing down the names in the notebook?" He asked.
"Yes, I've written them." The voice came back I knew exactly who it was it was Teru Mikami, I had seen this in a dream earlier I knew that Light Yagami would die today, I oly wish it weren't his Shinigami who would kill him.
"Don't you think it's rather odd? Why would he answer you so quickly, calmly and honestly when you asked him if he had written down our names yet?"
"Who knows. Maybe he is just honest. Or, confident in he'll succeed or perhaps he's seen through your brilliant plan." Light told him, I began to walk towards him and everyone seemed a bit frightened I made it so I could whisper in Lights ear without being heard by anyone but him.
"You too are brilliant Mr. Yagami, but you have a rotten soul, a twisted mind, just like Teru Mikami out there," I said. His eyes widened.
"Quite an accusation Miss, what gives you the right to accuse that?" He asked me, I didn't respond.
"What did she say?" Matsuda asked.
"Teru Mikami! If it's not too much trouble for you, won't you please come in and join us?" I asked.
"I already know that you are the one who's been judging and executing people for Kira.
If you've already written down our names, then there shouldn't be anything to be afraid of.
You can come right on in." Near finished for me.
"Teru Mikami, is it? He's correct. There is no reason to hide from us; you can come in." Mikami entered the room,
"How many seconds has it been since you wrote down the first name?" Light asked.
"30 seconds. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39!!"
"Well Near, looks like I win." Light said.
"40!!!" Mikami shouted. I smiled
"Um, we're still alive. It's been over a minute and we haven't died!" Matsuda said happily.
"Didn't I already tell you all that no one was gonna die?" Near asked. I nodded.
"Bu-bu, but why?! Why won't they die?! God, I did everything you told me!!" Mikami shouted.
"RESTER, GEVANNI!! TAKE HIM NOW!!" Near shouted as Mikami tried to get away.
"Gevanni, the notebook, please." I ordered he handed me the notebook.
"If you didn't believe me earlier, then see it for yourselves. I can confirm that the first four names are definitely the real names of the SPK members. The second four are the names of your team. The only name that hasn't been written down is Light Yagami." I told them showing them the notebook,
"But your name Loyalty, that is what is written in the Death Note why did Kira know everyone's real name but yours? Who's to say your not Kira?" Light asked with a smirk.
"I never told anyone that Loyalty wasn't my real name you only assumed If that won't enough, Mikami also addressed you as 'God.' And said he did what you'd asked him to. It settled." I told them.
"IT'S A TRAP!! This whole thing is a setup!! This is all part of Near's plan to frame me!! Isn't it little odd that no one died after having their name written in the notebook?! This proves it's a trap!!" Light shouted everyone seemed to falter a bit,
"I believe I already told you that no one would die because I modified the notebook, there are differences in this notebook from the real one, Loyalty, let us compare your notebook to this one, Osore it is a fact that all of the notebooks are identical correct?" Near asked. I saw Osore nod. I took out my notebook.
"To prove this is a real notebook," I went over to them and let each of them touch it letting them see the Shingami, Light was the only one who didn't touch it. "That's right Light Yagami you weren't the only one in the world who has had a notebook in their possession for quite a while to prove that I have not been Kira all along, there is only one name written in this notebook and none of the pages are torn out, in the other book you can see where the pages were torn in this one you can't, besides Kira's Shinigami is Ryuuk is he not?" Everyone gasped.
"N-no, you ...!! That, that can't be!! ... This is a setup. I don't know this guy!! Your lying how do we know you are telling the truth!" Light shouted.
"Your outburst Light the fact that you are trying so hard to convince everyone that you are not Kira, is another sign,"
"Light, it's too late to deny it. You know Near has won. Just a moment ago, you were saying, "It looks like I win." How much more of a confession do we need?" Aizawa asked.
"Light ..., why ...?"
"Ha!! Stop it!! Aarrrhh!!" Light began freaking out I found it a funny sight but I kept my mouth shut.
"Light Yagami, L, Kira, it's over. You've lost the game. Just a moment ago, you proclaimed your victory expecting us all to die. And, to tell the truth, you might have actually won. And I would have lost. We ended up doing exactly what you expected us to, and altered the fake notebook in Mikami's possession. However, when I said before that we'd modified the notebook, I was in fact referring to the real notebook as well as the fake. We only switched part of the fake notebook, but, as for the real one, we've replaced the entire thing. This notebook here is actually the real one." Near took the notebook out from his shirt..
"Huh?! No, impossible!!" Light shouted.
"We used the same kind of pen that Mikami used, copied his handwriting perfectly, and made both the inside and the outside of our fake look exactly like the original.
Gevanni was able to do it in a single night. Of course, since I had touched the real notebook before coming, I've been able to see the Shinigami as well. So can Loyalty, the reason why only Loyalty is written in this book is because she was never given a real name, so we all called her Loyalty, she was supposed to be the first successor to L, she was his sister after all," Near told them I put my head down.
"What a sister?" Aizawa asked. I nodded.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shinigami. I'm Near." Near said to Ryuk who stood behind Ide.
"Pleasure to finally meet you Ryuk," I said simply.
"Ha ha ha!! Nice to meet you, too. My name is Ryuk. SO you are the one Osore has been hanging around with you have quite a gift my dear to be born with the Shinigami eyes and make the exchange for more power and not be dead yet is quite an accomplishment," He told me, I nodded.
"Some of the edges of this notebook's pages are torn. Tell me, if someone's name is written on the ripped up piece of paper, will they still die?"
"Oh yeah. Of course, they would."
"I thought so. I bet you were able to use that to your advantage. I wonder how many times you deceived with this, and how many people you killed. Light Yagami, you are Kira." Nar told him,
"You are mistaken." Near said.
"This was all thanks to Mello. I believe if I explain this much, you'll begin to understand." Near explained just the mention of his name brought tears to my yes but I will not let Light see me cry.
"Please take a look at this page of the notebook." Takada's name was at the top of the book.
"God, you told me you couldn't move freely. I had to make sure Takada was taken care of! Wasn't that my duty to you?!" Mikami practically pleaded.
"It's all true. On the 26th, right after Takada's kidnapping was broadcast on the news, Mikami went to the bank."
"I've been trailing him. I knew he went to the bank every month on the 25th, so it was odd for someone so methodical to go to the bank twice in two days. I followed Mikami to the bank as he headed for the safe-deposit boxes. It was only at this time that he seemed concerned whether someone was following him or not. I got into his safe-deposit box; inside was the real notebook. Sure enough, Takada's name had already been written inside it."
"Do you understand now, Light Yagami? You didn't realize that Mikami made a move on his own and wrote Takada's name in his notebook because you had already killed her using a notebook clipping yourself. This was the event that made me consider the possibility of a fake notebook. We were able to stop you thanks to the efforts of one person. It was Mello who did it all." Near explained. I looked at Halle who was thinking the same thing I was.Mello probably knew what was going to happen all along. )
"I bet Mello knew in his heart that, working by ourselves, neither of us would be able to obtain our goal and surpass our mentor L. He began to work with Loyalty but his hatred for me was strong, he knew that together... Together, we can stand with L!! TOGETHER, WE CAN SURPASS L!!! And now, acting as one, we face to Kira who defeated L, and, with solid evidence, beat him at his own game!! ... Let's see you try and talk away out of this one, if you can." Near said Light began to laugh. I began recording the conversation with a small device in my pocket.
"... That's right. I am Kira. And what can you do? Kill me right here? Hear this; I'm not only Kira, but I am also God of the new world! Kira has become law in the world we now live. He is the one who's maintaining order. I have become justice. The only hope for mankind. Huh, kill me? Is that really the right thing to do? Since Kira has appeared 6 years ago, wars have stopped and global crime rates have been reduced by over 70%. But, it's not enough. This world is still rotten with too many rotten people! Somebody has to do this!! When I first got that notebook all those years ago, I knew I had to do it. No, I was the only one who could. I understood that killing people was a crime. There was no other way! The world had to be fixed!! The purpose given to me!! Only I could do it. Who else could have done it and come this far?! Would they have kept going?! The only one, who can create a new world, is me." Light exclaimed evilly. I glared at him.
"NO!! You're just a murderer, Light Yagami. And this notebook is the deadliest weapon of mass murder in the history of mankind. You yielded to the power of the Shinigami and the notebook. And you have confused yourself with a God. In the end, you're nothing more than a crazy serial killer. That's all you are. Nothing more and nothing less!" I shouted at him.
"Near! Here's some food for thought. That notebook you have and the one that Aizawa brought from the Japanese task force headquarters, are they both real? At the moment, only I know where the real notebook is. If you truly want to defeat Kira as well as test the notebook that Aizawa's carrying, I guess you're gonna have to write down either my name or Mikami's. It's the only way to see if it's real.... or fake!!" Light exclaimed thinking he had gotten us all thinking.
"He's hidden a piece of the notebook!" I shouted Matsuda shot nat him.
"MATSUDA YOU IDIOT!! Who the hell do you think you are shooting at?! Don't screw with me!!" Light shouted.
"What was it all for, then?! What about your Dad?! What the hell did he die for?!
"My Dad?! You mean Soichiro Yagami? That's right, Matsuda. In this world, all those earnest people like him who fight for justice; they always lose. You want a world where people like that are made to be fools?! I know you understand so kill the others!! SHOOT THEM!!" Light shouted.
"You led your own father to his death. And now he's gone, you call him a fool?!" Matsuda shouted angrily.
"His blood!!" Restor shouted. I knew what would happen I had been waiting for this moment to see Light Yagami die, but no matter how many shots are fired he wont die not yet, not until his name is written in his own notebook by the SHinigami, I knew that, that would be my fate someday as well
"I'll kill him. I'll kill him!! HE HAS TO DIE!!" Matsuda shouted at Light while firing shots.
"Arrggh, damn you. What the hell is this ...? Mikami, what are you waiting for?! Write down their names! Write them down!! Aarrggg, kill them now!!" Light shouted
"It's finally over, isn't it, Near?" Restor asked. He nodded.
"Where are you Misa?! Where is Takada?!"
Mikami screamed as he died I didn't quiet know what had happened but he would be dead soon. Light opened the door
"Wait, Light!!"
"He's getting away! Light!!"
"Mr. Aizawa!" Near shouted. "It's unlikely he has any more pieces of the notebook. And with those wounds, he's not going to go far. He'll stop running soon even if we leave him alone." Near explained I nodded
"Near, I'm not gonna follow your orders."
"Very well, then, I'll leave it up to you." Near said Aizawa left.
"Its' over its' really over, what should we do now everything I have worked so hard to do is done, after this Mello and I we were supposed to get married, have a happy family, but he's gone, Now I'm alone," I said sadly holding my stomach.
"our not alone, Loyalty, I'm still here," Near told me I looked at him and smiled.
"Yes you are, I'm sorry, Near can you make me a promise?"
"Hm? Sure what is it?" He asked,
"Can you promise that no matter what we will always be friends?" He nodded.
"I promise, from now on we will continue to work together to solve cases around the world, both of us will work together to become the next L," I nodded.
"That sounds like a plan." The next day I said goodbye to my best friend, Osore. I didn't burn the notebook, I went to my brothers grave with Near and Osore I dug a hole and put the notebook inside it was locked inside a metal box, no one else knew the combination to it but me, Near had tried to get me to burn the book but I simply told him that when I died he could, He dropped the subject after that and let me bury it. We had made Mello a small memorial beside L's grave, his body had burned but I put a picture of him and his name.

After another 8 months I had Mello's child, I was thankful that she hadn't been born with the Shinigami eyes. she was beautiful little girl named Misaki, Miki for short. Near was with me the whole time. Over the years Near and I continued to solve case's we traveled with Meloki and even though she wasn't Near's child he loved her more then anything I could tell. She even began to call him dad. I hadn't seen Osore since the day I burried the Death Note but lately. I had been seeing him in the weirdest places. I had been dismissing it as just me missing my friend and I did miss Osore he was my best friend I missed his jellybean loving manner and I missed talking to him. I had wanted to see him again but I knew the next time I saw him, I would be on my death bed, and that's what I was afraid of. Near, Meloki and I were on our way to Japan to visit Mello's grave and L's of course. I sat on our private jet Meloki was asleep and Near had gone to speak with the captain. And that's when I heard him.
"Hello Loyalty," I turned to see the Shinigami, Osore frowning.
"Osore I have been expecting this day to come, how much longer?" I asked sighing.
"I'm afraid I cant tell you, you know that but I can say that it is sooner then you think I will warn you before it happens and as we both know I will be the one who has to write your name in the notebook, I'm sorry, I really am there is nothing we can do," I put up my hand stopping him.
"I understand thank you for everything, you have been a great friend, I am just glad I will get to see their grave's once more before it happens," I smiled. Meloki stirred in her chair she pulled her blanket closer to herself and I hear the flap of wings as Osore disappeared. I looked down at my hands and looked at the ring on my ring finger, the diamond sparkled in the sunlight. I have lived my life and now it is time for me to experience my death, I am ready Osore, I thought to myself. I carefully picked up Meloki careful not to wake her, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead. Near came and sat beside me smiling,
"She's a beautiful little girl, and she is growing up well, Mello would be proud, I'm sure if he had known he would still have done this but maybe tried a little harder not to pass on, he would have had more of a reason, but thanks to him we solved a case not even the great L could, I know you miss him," He said I looked at him and nodded.
"I am glad I found you though I'm sorry for everything I have put you through in this life, I do love you, you know," I said he nodded.
"I know, I love you too Loyalty but in a different way, I love you as someone more then just my friend, but you know that," I nodded.
"I only wish we could be more Near," About an hour later we arrived in Japan I woke Meloki up and the three of us went to the cemetery. I said my goodbyes to L I dug out the notebook when Near wasn't looking and I handed it to Osore, then went to the small grave beside his Mello's grave.
"Hello again, I still miss you and the pain isn't getting easier when they tell me to forget and not to cry, I cant do it, I cry myself to sleep every night, I couldn't save anyone I don't know what I was thinking. Walking back to the grave I stood in front of it with my head down. "I let you die I could have stopped it, I couldn't save anyone, I failed, my time is almost up, I don't have much longer, and nothing awaits me, I cant be with you I will be alone, I wonder when he will take my life it is his job after all, I hate to leave her all alone, she will grow up not knowing the truth, but I hope she never has to relive what we did, I hope she grows up happy and healthy, without a care, I hope no one close to her dies, and I hope she gets married and is happy, I hope you will watch over her, please, I know I will, I wish you could have seen her before you left us, if only you hadn't been so damn stupid you'd still be here, no that's not right if only I hadn't let you be so damn stupid I could have stopped you if I knew more about what you were going to do, what you were planning," I knelt down beside the grave and sat cross legged in front of it. "I don't know ho long I can keep lying to her, I told her you were in a better place when she asked me where I couldn't bring myself to answer, I am trying to stay strong, but... Well I don't have much time left, Mello I am going to die soon, but I am so glad I could talk with you before I died," I said quietly. Near couldn't hear me he was saying goodbye to L
"Loyalty I am sorry but it is time, I would say goodbye now," Osore told me as he stood behind Mello's grave with his Death Note in hand.
"Near I'm sorry," I said looking up at him. I stood up beside him wiping the dirt from my pants, I saw Meloki chasing a butterfly.
"Why are you sorry?" He asked putting an arm around my shoulders I moved away from him and faced him his face was slightly shocked.
"Near its' my time please take care of Meloki-" He cut me off.
"Loyalty there has to be something I can do," He said taking my shoulders. I shook my head and looked into his eyes. Meloki had heard Nears small outburst and began making her way over to us.
"There is nothing it is simple I have lived my life and now it is time for me to accept what comes after it, Near I love you, you know that don't let Meloki forget how much her parents cared for her, love her more then anything in the world, she is your world now, I am happy I get to die having lived a full life but I wish I could watch her grow up, wherever I go after this I will be watching both of you please don't let me down promise to love her, care for her, and don't let anything bad happen to her, let her fall in love when the time is right and let her live a happy life without knowing just how bad this world can be, when the time comes tell her what happened to Mello and I, and what ever you do, do not let her destroy her life if she is to ever get a hold of a Death Note, I am trusting you Near," I sobbed I looked at Osore he was writing in the book. "Promise me Near," A horrible stabbing pain began at my chest. I gripped the place where my heart was tightly with both hands.
"I promise, Loyalty please don't leave me," He said tearing up. My eyes widened and I fell backwards.

No One's POV

Near caught Loyalty's lifeless body and lowered her to the ground. "MOMMY!" The five year old Meloki yelled as she ran towards them, Meloki knelt down beside her mother not really knowing what had happened, tears spilled from her eyes as she shook her mothers shoulder, Near slowly closed Loyalty's eyes. "Mommy wake up! Mommy please wake up!" Meloki shouted sobbing. "Daddy what happened to mom why isn't she waking up?" Meloki asked looking up at Near, Near held his arms open and the girl hugged him sobbing into his shirt she looked up at him again. "Why isn't mommy waking up?" She asked again. He stroked her hair.
"Mommy has gone to see your father, she went to a better place," Near told her a tear running down his cheek. Near took out his phone shielding Meloki's eyes not want her to see her mother's deceased body.
"But I don't want her to leave me, dad I don't want mommy to go away," Meloki sobbed. Near stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head as he listened to the ringing on the other end of the phone.
"I know, I don't want her to leave either- Hello I need an ambulance to come to the cemetery, its' urgent my friend had a heart attack she's not breathing and I cant find a pulse please hurry, I have tried everything to bring her back nothing is working please send everyone," Near lied, he knew that no one could bring his love back, but he couldn't just leave her here. He knew that she would never love him as much as she loved Mello but he had to take care of Meloki now, she was his responsibility and knowing that Loyalty had trusted him with her life was good enough. He held the crying child tightly and a tear slid down his cheek. Even though she wasn't as in love with me as she was with him I loved her more then anything, and now he swore he would love Meloki with all his heart.

8 Year Time Skip

A young girl about the age of 13 walked down the street she hummed along to her music she wore a green shirt with a red one underneath it her hair was in pigtails she had a green skirt with a white belt and black short stockings underneath she chewed a piece of gum as she turned down an ally making her way home. Her bright blonde hair flowed behind her and nothing but happiness could be found in her blue eyes. Her name was Meloki, Meloki wasn't ordinary she had a Shinigami watching over her. The girl was also oblivious to the drunken man following her that is until he stumbled over a bottle. She turned taking out her headphones. "Sir you scared me," She said in her cheerful voice.
"Get out of there Meloki," The female Shinigami said.
"What's going on?" A male Shinigami by the name of Osore asked from behind her.
"The day has come it is Meloki's time," the female said sadly. Osore put a hand on her shoulder as they looked at the scene below them.
"Hello there little girl," the drunken man said.
"Um I was told not to talk to strangers I should be going," Meloki said slightly fearful, she turned only to have her hand be grabbed by the man, she shouted in surprise dropping her headphones along with the I pod attached to them.
"I cant watch this Osore her life was to short she deserves to live longer she deserves to have a happy life," The female Shinigami cried.
"You know you cant do that if you protect her you will die," Osore told her.
"I have lived my life, I fell in love and completed my life's purpose, its' her turn to live," The Shinigami took out her Death Note just as the man took out a knife. Meloki screamed and the Shinigami wrote down the man's first name. "Osore watch over her take care of her and don't let any harm come to her until it is her time, please Osore we are friends aren't we?" The female asked as she wrote the man's last name in. A tear ran down her dead face as she smiled up at Osore earning a nod from him, she turned into sand at the same moment the man died of a heart attack and Meloki was freed.
"Of course we are friends... Loyalty," Osore said to the dead Shinigami. He watched as her Death Note fell to the human world landing in front of the curious thirteen-year-old girl. Reluctantly Osore released his wings and flew to the human world, following the Notebook...

What Misaki Looks like when Loyalty Died=

The Engagement ring Mello was going to give Loyalty=

Loyalty (Death Note Mello Story)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now