Chapter 9

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Sally awoke to a beautiful sight. Gorgeous blue eyes were stareing down into hers.

"Jake " Sally sighed. She blinked, and he was gone.

"Jake??" She started to panic. She tried to stand but her vision blurred. She stood, shaking, and saw him across the empty clearing. She felt she was in a dream

"come with me" she heard and then Jake was flying away. Wait flying? Some part of her brain whispered. He can't fly! Sally ignored the little voice in her head.

"No! Wait! Come Back!!" Sally tried to yell out at him, but found she couldn't. She ran after him, across pink and purple grass, but grass is supposed to be green, her brain said, as she ran out of the clearing, into the deep, orange, jungle.

Branches reached out like fingers, grabbing at her clothes, tugging her ponytail. Sally stopped and looked around. He was gone.

"Jake?" Sally screamed! She started to panic. Where was he?? She spun around, tripped, and everything went dark again.

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