Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Noah's P.O.V

"Oi! Happy Birthday."

"Happy Birthday Noah!" 

"Happy Birthday pal!"

That's really all I've been hearing throughout the day from my 'friends' (not from my dad, because like the little git he is: he forgot) . I guess I'm thankful that they acknowledged it was my birthday today, but the phrase isn't really a hundred percent accurate seeing as I'm not really happy. 

Sure I get presents, greetings and all that shit that you receive when it is one's birthday. 

But that's nothing compared to what I truthfully want; to see my mum.

As stupid as it sounds, every year after my mother's passing, I have wished for the same thing and every single damn time it never comes true. 

I guess I kind of saw it coming, but maybe a miraculous event could occur. Maybe. But even maybe's aren't enough.

I feel no need to go into a useless sob story about my dead mother, which half of you probably don't even care about. Actually, I doubt any of you do care. No one really cares for anyone anymore and I guess I see why. 

This society is shit. 

But you know what's the funny thing about that? It's that I don't even care about anyone either. Well as hard as it is to admit it ... there is one exception.

"I'm not good at this birthday stuff so here." The sudden voice startled me, but I recovered soon enough. I stood uproot from the wall of which I was leaning on to face Dakota's small figure. She was smiling at me ... I was smiling too. And I guess I smiled, chuckled even, when I found out what she had got me. 

It was a half eaten bagel. No contents. Just a bagel - half of it. 

"Thanks? It's just what I wanted."

"Knew it."

"How'd you know it was my birthday anyway?" I asked her curiously, I don't recall ever giving Dakota a fact file about me, nor do I remember ever wanting half a bagel ... but I began to eat the rest of it anyway. It's the thought that counts right?

"I didn't. I just heard others saying so, so that's why I gave you my bagel." She grinned whilst trying to pull her dress down; the strong gusts of wind was messing her bun and causing havoc to her attire. I couldn't held but give her a bemused look. She looked so ridiculous in her failed attempts.

So so very ridiculous that I felt the need to throw bagel pieces at her to see if the wind would catch it in her hair and annoy her further. But my nice demeanour told me not to; so I didn't. It's a shame though.

 "Ah! Bagels ... don't you just love those savoury products which are disguised to look like doughnuts?"

"No not really. But they're compatible."

Dakota gleamed at me amusingly, a stricken look on her angelic features. "So ... I have another present ... sorta. Not really. But it's going to be fun. And presents are fun. So yeah, it's technically speaking, a present."

So as Dakota and I walked out of the school gates, amongst the crowd of teens, and towards the town high street we had nothing but smiles etched on our faces ... oh and the bagel crumbs which were now showered all over Dakota's head. 

She didn't notice me discreetly do it. That little sucker.


"Why are we at a furniture store?"

"Why not?"

I shot Dakota a deadpanned look as I asked again, "why are we at a furniture store?"

"Shut your pie hole and follow me."

I followed her, wondering what her motives were and wondering why, out of all the places this town has, we were at a furniture store. I almost didn't notice she stopped if it wasn't for the fact that my body crashed into hers. I mumbled a quick apology but my sympathy soon changed to curiosity. 

Dakota was taking her shoes off ... revealing her odd socks.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as I watched her climb up the bed, beginning to spring up and down softly on the mattress.

"What am I doing? What are you doing!? Noah learn to have some fun!"

"Fun. In a furniture store?"


"Wont we get in trouble?"


My eyes followed the bouncing girl as she began to jump higher and higher on the mattress, her smile reached her eyes; she was smiling in complete and utter happiness.

It was my birthday. All I was missing was the happiness. So before I even registered what I was about to do in my mind I took my shoes off and joined Dakota. 

What did I have to lose anyway? It's not as if I cared if anyone was to see our childish antics anyway. 

Well ... that was until the security came. 

It was okay though because Dakota and I bolted out of there before they could catch us.

Actually, it wasn't okay.

Because Dakota and I left our shoes at the furniture store.

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