Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Noah's P.O.V

Dakota's sick. Really sick. 

I blame her and her stupid proud motives of running in the rain to find a bush to piss in. She  is such an idiot sometimes. I didn't really want to take care of her, let alone stay in an one metre radius space besides her, but being the good Samaritan I am I decided to help her. 

And you know what she said to me.

It's quite a funny little story actually. She said "Fudge off!" and threw a pile of used tissues at me. 

Forget the fact that Dakota didn't have the guts to cuss properly and say 'fuck'.

But let's focus on the fact that she threw something unsanitary at me - Disgusting I know.

If I get sick because of her, so help me. Anyway, bearing in mind at the time, I was climbing through the open window of her bedroom at the middle of the night I could've fallen ... maybe. (Not really considering her house only had one floor.) But the fact is I'm out here freezing my arse off trying to find a solution to hand her some of the soup I made.

She told me she didn't want any through her fit of contagious coughs. But I ignored that and decided on an alternative motive.

I secured the lid on the container that was holding the soup tightly so that there was no chance of the (now cold) soup escaping. This wasn't going to work, I'm positive it wouldn't. But what else could I do. 

If I entered her window she would just push me out again. And I wasn't going to do the smart thing and knock on the house door when it was 2 am; her guardians were most likely going to slam the door in my face. 

"Dakota." I hissed, trying to get her attention whilst tapping on her window with my frost bitten knuckles.

Shadows emerged from her room as I watched her climb out of her bed and grouchily make her way to open the window. When she did, she immediately hugged herself, the cold bitterness of the night air kissing her bare arms and open cheeks. 

"What Noah!?" She sighed whilst sniffing. Her nose was plump and vibrantly red from the endless amount of tissues she had most likely used to blow her nose. She then began to out burst a fit of coughs on my face, forgetting to cover her mouth with her hands as they were currently embracing her.

"Eugh! You're disgusting." I stated as I backed away from the window. I'm no germ freak. But you would back away too if someone was coughing right at your face.

"Gee thanks. Now what do you want?" 

"I have soup."

"I don't want soup."

"I have soup." I repeated whilst waving it in the air. The liquid contents swishing from side to side in the container. 

"I do not want soup. Especially at 2 o'clock in the freakin' morning!" 

I didn't really care if she wanted it or not. She needed it so I was going to give it to her one way or another. Seeing as Dakota was being very uncooperative I guess it was the other. 

"Dakota hold your hands out in front of you." I commanded. She gave me a sigh asking me if she did as I said would I leave, which I nodded to in agreement. She reluctantly sighed, finally outstretching her palms in front of her, muttering incoherent phrases as she did so.

I then threw the soup container in her hands but before Dakota could register what I had just did she dropped it on the floor, causing some of the soup to spill on her carpet. She shot me an annoyed glance, she was probably thinking of ways to hurt me but before she could even speak an uttered response. 

I ran away whilst shouting, "remember to microwave it!"

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