Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Klara's voice was tender and warm, and her eyes seconded that notion. She spoke of Aubrey with compassion and love just as a mother should. I had already apologised to Klara for my terrible misjudgment and unforgivable attitude yet she didn't mind. She had told me that she had reacted the exact same, maybe even worst when her parents had divorced in her younger years. 

Currently, it was nearly eleven in the evening; nobody really paid attention to the time though. We were too preoccupied with our newly reconciled family. I believe this would be classified as 'bonding' with my family, along with the addition of Dakota.

Richard [or shall I start saying dad now? I've been saying 'richard' for so long that it has became a habit] and Klara began to speak to one another in a rather soft argumentative tone; the debatable kind of conversation that wasn't incredibly serious yet still held a stance of importance. 

Dakota and I listened too. Well I think she was listening, it was hard to tell because her fatigued eyes were fluttering to a close, but began opening abruptly straight after as if she was battling the lack of sleep that she needed but didn't want.

The sight of it seemed as if her eyes had an aggravating twitch or itch. I'm not sure if that's even possible but the look of it made me laugh instantaneously. Everyone suddenly glanced at me with inquisitive glances. But I only focused my chuckle at Dakota, she then glared at me, knowing fully well that I was laughing at her. 

Then she kicked me under the breakfast table, hitting my shin purposely causing me to grimace. I stopped laughing after that. 

"Noah dear you okay?" Klara asked. 

"Just peachy." I muttered. Dad nodded whilst Klara still looked wearily at me. But before she ask again, dad said to Klara, "so how did you want to decorate the room?"

"I want it to be colourful, you know? Like the rainbow. Maybe add some animals and trees here and there." She suggested. 

"What like the garden of Eden?" I imputed. Klara and Dad had an empty room besides their bedroom which was going to be decorated to become Aubrey's future bedroom. They had been discussing on the design for a while but their differentiating opinions prolonged their decision. 

"Yes that's it. That's perfect." Klara said as she grinned. Richard also agreed and motioned a thumbs up at Noah whilst messing up his hair. 

"Now we just have to find a designer who can get the wallpaper." Richard voiced. 

"Actually hun, I think it would be better if someone painted it. You know it will create a more natural, calming vibe," said Klara.

"Yes but where are we going to find an artist to do that? Plus I've seen how much they charge for an hour of painting for their service and it doesn't come cheap." Richard argued. I'm sure he didn't really care about the price range considering he was loaded but I knew he was just bothered about hiring someone to paint Aubrey's room. He was very fixed on his decisions and motives and he probably didn't want the artist to do something he didn't approve of. 

"Oh I know someone who's perfect for the job!" Dakota piped in. A secretive grin pulling at her not-so-tired-anymore features.

We all glanced at her hopefully. After all, she had found the perfect name for my sister and there's no doubt she knows who's capable of doing the job. 


"Yeah?" I asked. 

"No ... Noah!" She exclaimed. 

"Yes? What about Noah?" Richard said. 

She sighed as she muttered a few incoherent phrases beneath her peppermint flavoured breath. "Noah."

We gave her blank looks. We were all clueless as to why she was saying my name repeatedly. Although, flattered as I was, I quite didn't understand. 

"You guys are hopeless. Noah! Your son! This guy." She punched my arm. "Is an artist. As in the artist who can paint the garden of Eden for Aubrey's room! He discovered the idea so he should know how you want it to turn out like. Plus you don't have to pay him and you can trust him 'cause he is your son after all." She explained. 

"Really Noah can you do it please?" Klara asked eagerly. Just as Richard had asked me, "Noah you're an artist?" 

"Um yeah... I guess. It's more of a secret. But I guess now it isn't. It's kind of more on spray painting but I can use brushes too." I answered Richard who honestly did look quite shocked. He probably thought all those stacks of spray cans in my room were for vandalizing and not for actual art. He was the assuming type in all honesty. 

"So what do you say Noah?" Dakota said.

"Um yeah okay. But I'm only doing it for Aubrey. Also, I'm doing it how I want to okay. Not how you want me to." I gave a pointed look at Dad and he merely shrugged as if he was not bothered by my reasoning. He most likely was but I didn't question it.

We nodded at each other. A silent mutual agreement. And the first of the kind.

 A/N: I think Dakota is going to end soon. Probably in 2-3 chapters maybe. Yeah most probably. Thanks to everyone who has read and stuck through me for this long. Ilysm c:

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