Chapter Six

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Danielle's P.O.V

Sometimes, I regret planning revenge on the person I care about most. My mom; the woman who gave me life, is who I am talking about. Yes, she does annoy me to the point where I just want to throw a pillow in her mouth and she does make me special to the extent that I just want to stay with her forever but now, it's different.

She hasn't annoyed me nor has she made me feel special. The feeling is indescribable and the fact that I have no idea what this feeling feels like annoys me because I don't know how to get rid of it.

All I know is that once this plan is complete, that feeling will disappear forever and replace with pure satisfaction.

"Are you done?" I hear my mom ask from the front door. I send her a glare to hide the feelings going on inside my body and go back to washing her stupid windows.

"Make sure you get them to shine." My mom calls and the urge to throw the sponge at her hits me but I ignore it, realising that I am going to ruin the plan.

I look over at Cole who is pulling over the weeds and shoving them into a plastic bag which is later going to be emptied into the gardening bin. Cole looks at me and sends me a short grin and I return it, turning back to wash my mom's car.

The fact that I am actually cooperating with Cole confuses me. Like he said before, one minutes I hate him and the next I am talking to him and acting like I don't hate him at all. Well, you can't blame me. Living with a digusting boy who changes personalities in a matter of seconds can make someone like me flip out. What I am trying to say is that Cole is one confusing boy, just like me.

"Danielle, I think your done with that window so I don't know why you just keep cleaning it." I hear my mom say and I grit my teeth.

"Mom, I love you but please shut up." I say, trying to calm myself down as I start to clean the rest of the car. Ten minutes pass by and I am now finished cleaning the car. Finally.

I turn to see that Cole is putting the weeds into the bin and I wipe my hair out of my face, completely exhausted but happy that we are both finished.

Now we can work on the plan.

"Good job you two." Andrea says, sending us both one of her sickening smiles. I roll my eyes and push past the two women, making my way up to the bathroom to go pee.

"Where are you going?" I hear my mom asks and I stop walking and turn around, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I had to ask to use to bathroom." I say, glaring at my mom. My mom frowns and places her hands on her her hips.

"What are you going to do in there?" She asks and my mouth drops in confusion and shock.

Did that just come out of her mouth? Oh my god.

"I'm going to go slay a goddamn dragon, what else?" I ask sarcastically and my mom narrows her eyes at me.

"I wouldn't use sarcasm with me, Danielle." My mom scowls and I roll my eyes.

"Ask a stupid question, be prepared to get a stupid answer." I reply before turning around to go to the bathroom.

I still can't believe that came out of my own mother's mouth.


"She is asleep." Cole whispers to me after checking on his mom. I open the door to my mom's bedroom just a tiny bit and when I see my mom's sleeping figure sprawled across her bed, I close the door.

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