Chapter 14: 'Well done Louis'

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'Well done Louis'


*Niall's POV*

"I want to go to Crete"


"Yes, are you not happy?"

"I am, but I would've been happier if you chose Ireland" I say and she chuckles.

"Let's see when we can leave"

"I'll take my laptop" She says and walks out of the room.


*Louis' POV*

"We are still evaluating the test"

"But when will it be finished? I want to know if she has a disorder or not!"

"I understand, but it's not because she has a disorder that your relationship can't work out"

I sigh.

"I totally fucked up"

"Trust me, Prim is a clever girl, and she cares about everybody, she understands how you feel"

"Yes, but she has a disorder"

"Louis, I'm not the one who came up with that, why do you think I'm working so long on this?"

"I don't know"

"I can't believe she has a disorder"

"But if you don't believe it, why don't you just say that?"

"The problem is, I need prove, I've been a psychologist for 15 years, when I saw Prim for the first time, I thought how could they even think that she has a disorder, that's why I'm trying so hard, that they won't release her dad"

"She would kill herself, if her dad gets free"

"I totally understand her, her dad's a monster, just by the look in his eyes"

"I have to go now, thank you for telling me this"

"No problem, Louis, if you need me, just give me a call"

"Okay, bye!"


"So according to the psychologist, Prim has nothing, well that's what she thinks"

"I think she's right, I know I saw her only once and that I wasn't nice, but she looked so sweet" My mom says.

"Yeah, she is"

"Maybe, I don't know, you should go to her and talk about it"

I sigh.

"I don't know, what if she meant what she said and I..."

"Louis, you can only try"

"Should I go now?"

"Yeah, the sooner you do it, the sooner you'll know"

"Okay, wish me luck"

"Good luck Louis"

"Thanks mom" I say and walk out.

I hope this all works out!


I call on and after a few minutes Alli opens the door.

"Oh, hey Louis!"

"Hey Alli, is Prim home, I want to talk to her"

"Err.. I'll ask her, come in" I nod and follow her.

"Just a second" She says and she walks upstairs.

I look around a bit, it's still the same.

I notice a picture of Prim, Niall and I on the counter.

I smile at the thought of it.

I wish it could be like that again.

"Louis" I hear from behind and I turn around.

"Prim" I say when I see her standing in the doorway.

"How are you?" I ask and walk towards her.

"I'm okay" She says and she pulls down her sleeves.

Did she cut again? Because of me?

She clears her throat.

"Can I help you with something?" She asks.

"I just.. I just wanted to see you again"

"Ooh" She says and looks down.

"So err... I saw Niall"

"Yeah he told me"

"Did he tell you what I said?"

"No, why?"

"Well, I've been thinking a lot lately"

"About what?"

"Everything that happened between us"


"I want to apologize"

"You already did that"

"Yeah, but last time, I didn't tell you everything" I say and she looks away, trying to avoid my eyes.

"I acted like a jerk to you and I didn't mean to hurt you, I wish I could..." I stop when I see tears in her eyes.

I decide to not say more and I just hug her.

"I'm sorry" I say and kiss her head.

She starts crying in me chest.

Suddenly she pulls me away and I look confused at her.

"Sorry Louis, but I can't do this" She says and tries to run away, but I stop her.

"Please" I say, but she shakes her head and runs upstairs.

"Fuck!" I yell.

"Lou" I hear and I see Niall.


"Don't do..."

"Don't do what? I love her! I know she loves me too, I just feel it, and it's killing me that she tries to hide it!!" I yell.

"Don't yell, she can hear you"

"Well, she can hear everything I have to say!! I fucking give her my heart and she just..."


"No Niall she broke it! I wanted everything to be normal again, but she doesn't want it"

"She's struggling with her feeling Louis"

"And don't you think I am too?"

"That's not what I said"

"No, that's what you thought! I'm sick of this bullshit!! I tried, I tried several times, she just..."

"She just don't want to hurt you again" I hear and I look up.

Prim is standing there, tears streaming down her face.

"Thanks for telling me, how you really felt about it" She says and runs out.

"Well done Louis!" Niall says and runs after her.

She heard everything I said.

I totally fucked up now! She will never forgive me for what I just said...


A/N: Hi guys!! Sorry for the late update, but I got a lot of request on tumblr, but I promise I'll try to update sooner!!

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Love you all xx

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