Why are we hear? What is our point? We celebrate birthdays with pointless gifts. Oh your now 36? Great. Have a blender. Like it's just so.. Pointless. We do pointless things and try to control things out of our control. We feed off relationships, feeling the need to love and be loved. We mate and then get attached to our family then get depressed when then pass, but what for? What it the point?
We destroy the very planet that gave us life simply by dropping our candy wrapper. We pollute the ocean with oil taken from deep underground, where it belonged in the first place. We, as humans, feel the need to expand and evolve and keep growing, but what for? So that we can destroy the place we live? The beautiful things that give us joy? Remember when you were younger and you found the most beautiful spot ever in the woods? Where you could just go and enjoy the nature? It's gone now. The company you work for built a factory there that creates enough pollution to kill you, five times over.
I'm not here to answer the question of the human race' existence, but to be the question as to why we are here. Every person just destroys the either little by little. We destroy giant forests to make a small pack of tooth picks to pick food from our teeth. We burn gallons of fossil fuel on our business trips to recycling conventions. We burn gas just by recycling. So there's not as many bottles in the dump. There's still just as much pollution because of the extra amount of gas burned of the way to the recycling plant.
As humans, it is our nature to fix problems, but even our greats minds can't stop us from ruining the world we live in. We never truly solve our problems, only find quick ways to put them off.
I just don't understand why we are here. My teacher said that you can always do good in the world but that's complete bullshit unless you can kill every single human without hurting the environment any more then we have. People say that the world is going to shit. There are more storms and earthquakes now more then ever, but it is those people along with every other person on this planet that is destroying it.
I think that all these storms are signs of the earth getting pissed off at us. It's tired of being hurt and it's finally trying to make itself right again. It's trying to kill us, to solve the problem called humanity. Anyway that's just my input..
Sorry for the bleak update.. Just wanted to put that out there.. I'll try to write something a little nicer next time.. Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a good day..
CasualeWhen ever I feel depressed I just write until I can't think of anything else to add.. Although most things I write are pretty depressing, I though I might as well post them.. So this is just a collection of my writings.. Read it or not. I don't real...