Chapter Fourteen--Back For You

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Sherlock knew they weren’t going to get out fast enough at the pace they were going. They stopped where Molly’s coat was hanging up. Molly herself sat down, weak from blood loss.

    “We’re halfway,” Sherlock reminded her, pulling her back up to stand.

    “Only halfway?”  She smiled faintly and started to walk again, leaning against the wall.

    Sherlock sighed and took her by her good arm, pulling her back. “I need to bandage that.” He gestured to her shoulder.

    “You could use this,” pointed out a voice behind them.

    Sherlock jumped slightly and turned around to see the American’s girlfriend. “Use what?”

    Jules pulled the lab coat off of its hook. “This. Plenty of fabric.”

    Molly nodded slowly, nudging Sherlock. “Go ahead. A ripped coat is the least of my problems right now.”

    The pathologist waited as Sherlock bandaged her arm, wincing slightly and looking to Jules, raising an eyebrow. “Where’s your boyfriend?”

    “Shawn stayed. He couldn’t get out. He told me to go instead,” the American answered, turning away to hide the tears in her eyes.

    “Oh, I’m sorry,” Molly said quietly, pulling her arm away from Sherlock.

    “I am, too,” Jules said, half to herself. She stood and offered a hand to Molly. “Coming?”

    Molly took the offered hand and pulled herself up. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

    They walked in silence for the next two hours. When they finally got out, Molly was barely standing, mainly supported by Sherlock’s arm around her. “We need to get you to a hospital, Molly,” he told her.

    “It’s just my shoulder,” she protested weakly, glancing at her wound. “I think I’ll be fine. You’ve survived worse.”

    Sherlock rolled his eyes and waved for a cab, holding the door open for Molly and Jules. “I’m different than most people.”

    “Besides, Molly, you’re barely even still on your feet. You’re swaying,” Jules pointed out.

    Molly scowled, trying in vain to steady herself. “I am not swaying.”

    “Yes, you are. Now stop protesting,” Jules told her firmly. “You’re not going to get worse, I won’t let you.”

    The tiny pathologist smiled halfway, then climbed into the cab reluctantly.  

    Sherlock waited for Jules, then got in himself, sitting across from the girls and telling the driver to hurry up. “I’m going back for Spencer later.”

    Jules gave him a half-hearted glare. “Only if I come, too. I promised him I would.”

    Sherlock looked at her for a moment, then out the window. “You’re a detective yourself, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt.”

    “Thank you,” she said, desperately trying not to break down. “How’d you find your way in?”

    “Your kidnappers left notes, giving me the information needed to find the location of the sewer entrance to use. There were Roman numerals over the arches of each hallway, and the coordinates of the sewer entrance were the directions to those. Simple,” Sherlock explained rapidly, glancing at Molly anxiously as her head came to rest on Jules’s shoulder.

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