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Vivian's P.O.V

What do you mean? Oh, when you nod your head yes? But you wanna say no. When you don't want me to move, but you tell me to go. What do you mean?

I blasted What Do You Mean? through my headphones as I jogged through the hills of Griffith Park. A personal favorite. I was still preparing for the Giorgio Armani fashion show that I was promised to walk in, and that meant to work on getting in the best shape possible.

As I made a turn, a photographer appeared out of the shrubs with his camera and caught me off guard.

"Holy shit," I jumped, stopping in my tracks. "You scared me!" I laughed uncomfortably, as I began to hear his camera snapping pictures.

"You look great, Vivian! Where's Justin? I know hiking Griffith Park is one of his favorite things to do during his free time!" He yelled out.

As soon as he mentioned Justin's name, I continued to jog until I reached my destination.

Out of breath, and sweat dripping all over, I had finally made it near the Hollywood sign. I sat on a nearby boulder to catch my breath, and took my phone out.

I took a picture of myself rolling my eyes on Snapchat. Everywhere I go, they scream your name, I captioned it. I then proceeded to send it to Justin.

A minute later, I'd gotten a notification from Snapchat saying he had taken a screenshot. He then a replied "You look great soaking wet." Referring to my sweat.

I sent back a few middle finger emojis, then locked my phone, and slid it back into my pocket.

I continued to just sit, and look at the view I had of Los Angeles at the moment. I looked down at my stomach, and noticed my rolls were very noticeable at the moment as I was hunched over. I quickly sat up straight, so they disappeared right away.

Usually I wouldn't mind that they were there, until Ro 'recommended' I lose a few pounds. And by few, she meant as much as I could before the show.

I chugged the rest of my water, and tossed it into a nearby trash can, and prepared to hike all the way back down. I needed to get over myself. This show was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Losing weight isn't hurting me.

Justin: almost done with ur hike? Todd misses u

Aw, tell him I'll be there soon! Walking back down now!

Justin: awesome :)


I typed in the code to unlock Justin's front door, and walked right in. After Justin canceled his Purpose world tour due to stress, we've had plenty of time to spend together.

Although, we were nothing official. I continued to keep telling everyone we were nothing more than just friends. Even though it felt like so much more than that.

I heard some paws scurrying their way towards me. Justin's dog, Todd came around the corner to greet me.

"Hi baby, I've missed you." I said in my high pitched voice I used to talk to him. I dropped to my knees and began to run my hands through his soft coat, and pet him.

"Starting to think you just come here to see Todd, not me." Justin laughed, as he approached us both.

I looked up at him, as Todd rolled over for me to scratch his belly. "It's not obvious?" I winked.

As soon as I stood up, Justin went in for a hug.

"Uh-uh." I said, backing up. "Let me shower first, I stink." I laughed.

"Alright, well, don't act like you don't know where the bathroom is." He said getting out of my way.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked by when suddenly I felt the palm of his hand smack my ass.

A nice, cold shower was just what I needed for my sore muscles. I stepped out, wrapping my head in a towel, and stealing Justin's fluffy robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

I slipped into some slippers he had also, which were a bit oversized but I didn't mind. I walked out into the living room, where Justin and Todd were sitting on the couch, watching season one of Stranger Things.

"You ass, I told you not to start this without me." I pouted.

"The first episode was just so good, I couldn't wait. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you later."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, and pulled my phone out to check all social media accounts. I curled up into a ball on the couch to see what my fans were up to.

But my heart dropped when I saw what was waiting for me. Daily Mail had posted an article about my hike today with unflattering pictures of me sitting down, and my stomach fat protruding out. By the looks of it, the photos looked like they had been altered to make it seem worse than it was.

I felt sick to my stomach, and started to feel insecure. What was everyone going to think when they saw this?

I threw my phone across the couch, and buried my face into a pillow.

Justin immediately paid his attention towards me. "Yo, you good?" He asked concerned.

For a moment, I remembered I wasn't alone and tried not to make it seem so obvious that I was upset. "Yeah, I'm fine." I️ needed to stop being so dramatic.

"Viv...," He said. "Talk to me." He paused the show.

"They got me." I️ huffed, removing the pillow from my face.

"They got you?" He stood up, only to sit himself right next to me.

"Yeah, they got me. They got me good."

He lifted my legs and set them in his lap, and picked up my phone. "Let me see."

"Justin,'s embarrassing." I️ said, trying to take my phone back from him.

"Vivian, you look amazing?" He said, standing up so I️ couldn't reach for the device. He continued to scroll through the article. "DailyMail's trash, but they're hyping you up."

"They used those pictures on purpose." I️ said, snatching my phone back from him. "If Rowen sees this..."

"Who cares what Rowen will say? I'm sick of her pressuring you to be perfect with the strict diets, hardcore workouts, personal trainers, and all that bullshit."

"She's just trying to help, that's all." I️ said pulling up my instagram. I️ started to look through Bella Hadid's profile, and envied her slim, toned body.

"What happened to the Vivian I️ knew who completely discarded society's unrealistic body expectations?" He picked Todd up, and sat back down next to me with Todd in his lap.

"It's kind of hard to stick to that when you're constantly hearing it all day." I️ sighed, reaching over to pet Todd.

"Well, forget what they say." Justin said. He picked Todd up and pressed their faces together and looked at me. "Todd and I️ think you're perfect." He said, in a high pitched, baby voice.

I️ slightly smiled, and tried to focus on Stranger Things as Justin resumed the show. I️ appreciated Justin's kind words, but why were they so hard to process?

My phone vibrated, and a text from Rowen appeared on the screen.

Rowen: Gym. 6:30 am. Don't forget.


Author's Note:

Remember! FUCK UNREALISTIC BODY EXPECTATIONS! You are all beautiful, and there's no need to change yourself in anyway, shape, or form! Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect. Love you guys! :)

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