Sniff Sniff

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Vivian's P.O.V

At the moment, I was in a room full of stylists and models. We were all doing a fitting to see what was going into the Armani fashion show and what would be thrown out.

The dress I had tried on easily zipped from the back.

"Wow," One of the stylists, Nikki I believe her name was, whistled. "Last month, we struggled with that. Remember?"

I smiled proudly, relieved that the dress had now fit perfectly. I was making progress. I looked in the mirror at myself, and admired the piece. I still couldn't believe I was walking the runway. It was a dream come true.

"Why don't we do a practice walk in it real quick, yeah?" Nikki said, leading me towards the hallway outside of the room.

"Pretend this is the runway. Make it your runway."

I started at the end of the hall, and started to strut towards the end. Halfway there, I tripped on the hemline.

I heard a faint giggle and I turned around to see a familiar face standing next to Nikki.

"Hmm, the dress is still a little too long. I can fix that." Nikki stated. "Take it off."

I noticed the young woman standing next to her was Bella Hadid. Model of the year.

Feeling a little uneasy undressing in front of Bella, I continued to unzip the dress and slide it off of my body. The whole building had models in their underwear running around everywhere, trying on different pieces. I was just a little self conscious around Bella. I had admired her for the longest.

"Bella. Bella Hadid." She held out her hand for me to greet.

"Vivian Faye." I awkwardly smiled, shaking her hand quickly, then crossing my arms over my stomach.

"I know who you are." She smiled.

My eyes widened. "What? You do?"

"You're dating Justin, right? Justin Bieber?"

"Uh, I guess you could say that." I chuckled.

"Yeah, you're everywhere. I see you on Snapchat all the time." She said.

"Snapchat?" I asked.

"E! News, The Rundown?"

The Rundown was a Snapchat story that everyone who had the app could see. Erin Lim, the host of it, talked about anything and everything. I wasn't aware, or expected her mentioning my name at all.

"Really? That's like, kind of a big deal right? You know you've made it once your mentioned on there?" I asked, jokingly. "What do they say?"

"Mostly Jivian updates. They're going crazy about you two."

I pressed my lips together and nodded. Of course. It involved Justin.

She shrugged. "Can't blame them though. You two are pretty cute. But I also didn't really support Hailey with him. She was becoming a little too...Justin-obsessed, if that's what you want to call it."

"I could see that." I laughed.

"But hey!" Her tone of voice changed.

I immediately stopped smiling and looked at her.

"I can talk shit because she's my best friend, and I'll tell her that to her face. No one else's allowed to."

I nodded. "Yeah, of course. I have nothing against her."

A smile appeared on her face again. "You're pretty cool, I like you."

I pretended not to be star struck as she said so.

"I've got to pee. Come with me." She said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bathrooms.

She locked the door behind us, and rushed into the one stall the bathroom had to offer.

I noticed that in the corner there was a public scale that anyone could step on.

"So will this be your first runway?" Bella asked, behind the stall.

"Yeah, it is. I'm super stoked about it." I focused on the scale. I stepped onto it myself and my hands started to sweat.

"My first runway was Desigual. I was just seventeen years old. I remember being nervous as hell."

My weight showed up on the little screen. I frowned. "What? I gained five pounds?"

"Sorry, what'd you say?" She spoke over the flushing toilet as she unlocked the stall.

"Nothing." I said brushing it off.

She walked over to the mirror and started to unzip her dress. "God, this dress is so heavy and uncomfortable." It fell to her ankles and she stepped out of it.

I looked at her body, and envied and her completely flat stomach and long, slim legs.

"Gosh, Bella..." I sighed. "How do you maintain such a nice figure?"

She slightly chuckled and looked at me through the mirror. "You want the God honest truth?" She lifted her eyebrow.

I eagerly nodded. I wanted the secret right then and there.

She reached into her bra, and pulled out a glass vial with a snuff spoon attached to it.

"I never have an appetite." She tapped her nail against the glass.

She held the spoon to her nostril, and sniffed. She then examined her nose close to the mirror and wiped any excess off of it.

"Would you like some?" She asked, holding it out.

"I, um—

I just stood there staring at it, hesitating to do anything with it. I looked at Bella, then back at the vial and bit my lip.

This one time won't hurt, right?

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