Let It Go

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"Well, babe, it was really nice catching up with you." Cara smiled, as we both walked out to the front of the venue to catch our rides. "Let's have lunch when I'm back in LA, yeah?"

I smiled and hugged her, as her car approached. "I'd love that. Text me sometime."

She grabbed my hand and held it for a minute. "Listen, Vivian. I'm really proud of how far you've come. Especially doing it on your own. I admire that. Congratulations on the campaign." She kissed my cheek goodbye, and stepped into her chauffeur.

I waved as I watched the SUV drive off, and I stepped to the side as I got out of everyone's way. There were a bunch of flashing cameras, and people having conversations everywhere, so I walked over to a more isolated, quiet spot.

I pulled out my phone to text Advik telling him I was ready to leave. Right now, all I wanted was a hot shower and to be back in bed, wrapped in my blankets. I was exhausted.

"Vivian! Vivian, look over here!"

I looked up to see some paps aim there cameras towards me, begging me to smile for a few pictures. I did for a couple, just so I could make them happy and for they could leave me alone.

"Gorgeous, thank you!"

After that, I decided to just walk away from everyone else and walked down the strip that the venue was located on. As I was searching for Advik and Boone's contact number, someone all of a sudden grabbed my forearm and pulled me into an alleyway.

"Hey, what the hell!" I squealed. It was dark, so all I could see was a dark figure trying to grab onto me.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't walk away from the crowd."

I began to panic and release from his grip. "Let me go, please!"

His hand gently grabbed onto the side of my face. "Shhh, it's just me." He cooed.

His hoodie slowly started to fall off his head, and the bleached hair, and his prominent facial features began to reveal. It was only Justin.

A smirk began to appear on his face. "I scared you, didn't I?" He looked around to see if anyone could see us.

"Of course you did!" I smacked him against his shoulder. "I didn't know who the hell you were." I crossed my arms, and frowned in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

He leaned against the brick wall that was against us, and pulled out a cigarette packet. "I came to see you."

I stared at him as he did so. I didn't know that he smoked.

He put one between his lips, and watched him as he lit it. He inhaled and closed his eyes, and leaned his head back against the wall. "Man, it's nice when the cameras don't know you're here." He chuckled.

He eyed me up and down. "You look beautiful."

I looked down at myself also, and had forgotten that I was all dressed up. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and smiled. "Oh, thanks."

"So what's up? Are you going to talk to me, or what?" Every time he inhaled, he made sure to exhale the smoke away from my way, by pursing his lips to side.

Smoking was unattractive, but why did he look so cool doing it?

I crossed my arms, not knowing what to say. My cheeks were flushed. I wouldn't have said what I said if I knew he were going to come all the way out here and confront me about it.

"Why don't you like me, Viv?" His head tilted, like a confused puppy dog. He waited for an answer.

I shrugged. "It's not that." I looked at the ground. "Maybe it's just..." I trailed off.

"Maybe it's just what?"

"Maybe it's that I like you a little more than I should." I said, pressing my lips together.

Justin made a face. "Why shouldn't you?" He snapped.

I looked at him in shock from his attitude. "Why can't you accept the fact that maybe for once, someone doesn't want you?"

Justin tossed his cigarette and pressed his tongue against his cheek. "Damn."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, and sighed. "Sorry for snapping at you like that, it's just been a long night. People keep telling me things, and it's all just really getting to my head."

"About me?" He pointed his finger to his chest. "Why do you have to listen to what other people say? Why can't you just do what you want to do?"

I shrugged again, feeling ridiculous. "I don't really know what's holding me back."

Justin got up off from the wall, and walked towards me. He stopped until his face was inches from mine. His hand caressed the side of my face. "Let go of it." He said, which sent chills down my spine. "Let go of what's holding you back."

He lightly placed his lips on mine, which only made mine linger for more.

"I know you want this as much as I do." He says. Then kisses me once more, only adding a little more pressure and movement to it.

And just like that, I felt as if my whole body became gelatin. I gave in, and began to kiss him back. The way our lips moved together, it almost had a perfect rhythm. It just felt right.

He slowly pulled away, and leaned his forehead against mine. He licked his lips and smiled. "See?"

I laughed a little. "You got me there."

He chuckled, and grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I'll take you home, yeah?" He said, leading us out of the alleyway.

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that."

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