No Sweets

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Vivian's P.O.V

"These are so yummy!"

I smiled at Emma, Rowen's five-year-old daughter, as she bit into one of the homemade cookies we had just made together. I was babysitting so Rowen could run a few errands throughout the day.

She picked up another cookie and handed it to me. "Want one?"

"No thank you, baby. I can't." I said, denying her offer.

"Why not?" She asked, very confused. Who in their right mind would turn down a warm, freshly baked, chocolate chip cookie?

"I'm on a diet right now, so no cookies for me." I sighed, pouting my lips.

"What's a diet?" She questioned, as she bit into the cookie she has just offered.

"Nothing you need to worry about now." I smiled at her, gently tickling her stomach.

She laughed, and continued to chew on her cookie, getting some chocolate around the corners of her mouth.

"These are the best cookies I've ever had!" She cheered, with her mouth full.

I giggled while grabbing a napkin and wiping her face clean. "Good, I'm glad you like them. Now what movie do you want to watch?"

She pushed herself onto the couch, and sat next to me. "Hmmm..." She thought, as she watched as I scrolled through titles on Netflix.

"McKenna Shoots for the Stars! Please, please, please!" She begged as she saw me scroll past the title.

"Okie dokie." I smiled, pressing play. I put the remote down, and cuddled myself into a blanket making myself cozy.

Emma reached for her third cookie from the plate that was sitting on the coffee table. "Please try it, Vivi." She held it out to me once again.

"Mmm, no thank you. I'm not hungry right now." I lied. Do you know how hard it was to bake a dozen cookies and not have a single bite of just one?

"I can't eat all these cookies by myself!" She exclaimed. "That's too much work!"

"You can take them home for later, silly." I️ laughed.

"I don't think my mommy will let me." She sighed. I could see a little disappointment in her face. "I just wanted to share with you, that's all." She trailed off.

She then put all her attention towards the movie. The movie was about a young girl who struggled to maintain her school grades while competing as a gymnast. It was a pretty, cute film.

"I want to be in gymnastics! Watch this, Vivi!" Emma said, as she scooted herself off the couch. She then proceeded to do an almost perfect split, which really impressed me. She then quickly got back up to show off her completely, straight and steady handstand.

I clapped my hands together and laughed. "Wow, Emma! You're so good." I cheered. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

She shrugged. "I just figured it out by myself. You try it! I'll teach you!" She jumped up and down.

I got up to stand where she was standing. "You know, I used to do handstands and cartwheels all the time when I was around your age." I positioned myself to get ready for a handstand.

"Show me!"

I pushed myself off my feet and onto my hands, trying to keep my legs as straight as possible. Before the dress I was wearing could expose too much, I stood back on my feet.

"So? How was that?" I asked her.

She giggled.

"What?" I laughed. "Was it a little rusty. I haven't tried it in years."

"Your legs are fat." She giggled again.


She ran back to the couch, made herself comfortable and started paying attention to the movie again. "I'm missing my favorite part!"

I still stood there, scarred from her statement. I walked over to a mirror, and lifted my dress up a bit to stare at my legs.

I know she's only five, and shouldn't take it so literal but...

I started to twist and turn to look at then in every angle. Are my legs fat?

"What are you doing, Vivi?" Emma said, staring at me.

"Nothing, Emma. Watch your movie." I said bitterly.

I heard a knock at my door, and stepped away from the mirror to answer it.

"Mommy!" Emma jumped up and down excitedly to see Rowen at the door.

"Let's go, Emma, get your stuff. We have to go pick your father up from the airport." Rowen said, not even bothering to take a step in the apartment.

Emma jumped off the couch and ran into the other room to get her things.

"Thank you so much for watching her, Vivian, I really appreciate it." Rowen said. She then frowned a bit, and lifted her nose up a bit and started to sniff. "What'd you make? Cookies?"

"Uh, yeah, it was just a little fun activity I thought I'd do with Emma-

"Emma isn't allowed to have sugar after 5 pm, you know this. And you shouldn't be having any sort of sweets at all." She stated.

"Yeah, Emma made that very clear." I mumbled.

Emma came running back into the living room, and gave me a hug goodbye. "Bye, Vivi!"

I slightly smiled, hugged her back and ruffled the top of her hair.

Rowen grabbed her hand and rushed her out the door.

"No sweets, Viv!" Rowen said again, as she made her way down the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door. I walked back to the mirror, and looked at myself again.

I started to hate myself in the dress I was wearing. I used to be so confident, but each day, I started to find more and more things I hated about myself.

I walked over to the plate of cookies, and tossed them all into the trash can.

Justin: Hey pretty lady...wanna come over?

Vivian: Can't! Have another gym session tonight!

Justin: Thought you already had one this morning?

Vivian: That fashion show's closer than you think. Need to prepare.

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