Thomas's Past

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Thomas's POV

Denmark, 2008

"Come on! We'll be late!" My cousin yelled, her raven black hair flowing behind her as she ran.

"Come on, Laila. Not everyone is as fast as you are. Just wait up. For once."

"No way in Hel, Torvald. You do realize that it's one of my few talents."

"Laila, you know that I hate my birth name."

"I know, I just don't like that name, so I'm not going to call you that." I rolled my eyes, and stopped for a moment. When I focused on Laila, she wasn't there.

"Laila? Where are you? This isn't funny!" Then I heard something. "Laila? Is that you?"

"Torvald! Over here! Help!" Laila screamed. I looked over, and she was in the claws of a beast. I gasped and ran over to help her.

But I never made it. When the monster saw me, he flung me into a tree. The last thing I saw before blacking out, was my cousin being taken by the monster.

*time skip*

"Thomas! Wake up!" I heard. I opened my eyes, hoping to see Laila. But I saw Matthias instead.

"Matthias? What are you doing here? Where's Laila?"

"About that. Thomas... I'm sorry but... Laila's... gone... as in... gone to Valhalla gone." I felt my eyes well up. My first best friend and my closest family member, Laila Lokidottir, was gone. And I could never save her. I'm going to make the world, no, the nine worlds better places. For Laila.

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