I'm pretty sure Alex is a lesbian...

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And before we begin, I would like to make some shout outs to inspiration for characters
Thank you birbea for Alex


Thank you DNIOCC for Agent Cora.

Alex's POV

"Gabs, I'm BOOOORED!" I said while flopping over her work, clearly annoying the Brit.

"Then why don't you go annoy Stark and Rhodes?" She said, pushing me off.

"But she acts to lovey dovey with him, and he clearly hates her, and it's not worth iiiiiiit!"

"Agent Rogers." Someone said.

"Yes, Agent Cora?" She said while standing up, making me fall.

"...who's this?" Cora asked. I looked up, and saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen. I stood up quickly.

"Alex Barton, Agent Barton's daughter."

"...well that explains why you have to grace of a dying cat." She replied.

"...and you are?"

"Agent Cora Newman. Anyways," she turned towards Gabby "Fury wants to speak to you."

"Well I'll get going now. Agent Cora, could you do me a favor?"

"Anything, Agent Rogers."

"Just ask Alex out already. It's way to obvious that you're into her, and I think she's into you too."

"GABRIELLE SARAH CARTER-ROGERS,  I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I yelled, red as a firetruck, Cora looking about the same color.

"Well, I gotta go. Cheerio!"

"Fruit loops to you too, Gabs/Agent Rogers!" We yelled at the same time.

"So, um, about that date..." Cora said.

"You don't need to! Gabby was probably joking! I mean you're reply pretty, but-"

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked.

Wow, I am in deeeeep shit now.

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