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0.785 ABY~ (lmao, it's a strange date, but it's been like 3 weeks since the bounty hunter)

Also, hella filler chapter warning xD

Sage healed fast. Not because of the medical attention she had received or because she got lucky with where the knife landed, but because of the Force. Bodhi was actually beginning to worry with the amount of meditation Sage had been doing. She rarely talked to anyone when she was in her hospital room.

Bodhi watched her through the window of the room from the hallway. She sat on her bed, her back straight. Teegan approached him, his arms crossed as he peered through the window to see what he was actually looking at.

Teegan couldn't help but smile at how similar Sage was to her mother. Bodhi leaned over slightly, "Is she supposed to be meditating that much?"

Teegan couldn't help but chuckle, "It may look like an introverted act," Teegan said, understanding that it may seem like something unhealthy to those who don't know what meditating does for Force-users. "But it's helping her get more powerful but the second, connecting her to the Force. Her mother was almost addicted to it," Teegan said, smiling slightly. "Before every battle, every mission, every morning, every night and even before council meetings."

Bodhi smiled, remembering Jade and the small amount that she had contributed to his life. His smile faded soon, turning to look at Teegan, "You haven't really talked about Jade even though it seems you knew her well."

Teegan's expression turned hard, staring through the window, his vision becoming blurry from focusing on something for too long as he thought of what to say. "It's hard. She was my favorite person in the whole galaxy, I knew her almost as well at Obi-wan."

Bodhi nodded slightly, "Sage never really talks about her father."

Teegan nodded in agreement, thinking for a moment, "She refuses to admit it, even to herself, but she's angry at her father for choosing to stay on Tatooine to watch over Luke instead of come here."

Bodhi's lip found its way between his teeth as his head lowered, thinking about all the things he didn't know about Sage. "No matter how hard I try, I can never really fully understand her."

Teegan turned to Bodhi and placed his hand on his shoulder, thinking of the words he wanted to say. Not to comfort Bodhi, but to give his and Sage's relationship hope that it'll last forever. "Keep trying, she's like Jade in that even she doesn't fully understand herself."

He continued on once Bodhi looked up at him, "And if it starts going downhill, start just taking it week by week, and if it continues, then take it day by day, and if that still doesn't work, then take it hour by hour, or minute by minute. Just keep trying."

What Teegan said, mixed with what Jade told him before she left, Bodhi's mind was racing with thoughts as Teegan walked away, down the hall. Only one thought came out of it: Take care of her.


The clanking of metal against metal rang throughout the main hangar of the Hoth base. Mon Mothma had left, leaving 5 Jedi to get rather bored. Bodhi walked back into the hangar, sitting next to Han, Jyn and Leia, handing them the snacks he had gotten from the kitchen. They all sat and watched as Atticus, Micky, Teegan, Sage and Luke all fought with some long, polished metal rods they had gotten from some of the rebels.

Sage was in the center of it all, blocking, flipping/dodging the staffs that came at her. "Keep your feet solid, Luke," she grunted as she easily kicked his shin out from underneath him, his face hitting the floor. Han, Jyn and Bodhi all laughed at him, Leia only crossed her arms.

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