Space Pirate

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The team had been sent on a mission the day that Sage asked for it. Bodhi was their pilot, Cassian and Sage were their leaders, BB-8 was their droid and Teegan, Jyn, Atticus, and Micky were their fighters (Sometimes Lyanna). Han, Luke, Chewy and Leia sometimes came along as well, when it required them to.

Sage began training Bodhi about a year ago, when he asked her to. The training only strengthened their relationship. But of course, Bodhi would never be as good of fighter as Micky, Teegan, Luke, Atticus and Sage, who trained almost every night with their sticks, using the Force to block and attack. 

Bodhi was a better shooter than he had been, and he had began to pick up using the staff that Sage got him, figuring it would be a good weapon for him. 

"Space pirates?" Leia asked, in disbelief of the mission that General Draven was sending Rogue One on.

He nodded once again, "Space pirates. They're attacking Empire cargo ships as well as our own cargo ships. They need to be found and either negotiated with or stopped. We've lost a lot of supplies to them."

Sage shrugged, "All right, we'll take the mission. But we'll need to take Han, Luke and Leia as well. And the Falcon."

"You got a plan?" Cassian asked, standing beside her, leaning against the table like she was.

Sage nodded, "Me, you and Teegan will be in one of the Rebellion's cargo ships. The rest of us will be in the Millennium Falcon nearby ready to help us."

General Draven and the rest nodded in agreement at the plan. "You do know that you, Cassian and Teegan will be in danger when they board, right?" Leia asked, her sassy tone ahead of her.

Sage nodded, "A member of the original Jedi Order, a Rebel Captain and a Jedi against a few space pirates, I think we'll be able to handle it."


They were flying through space at a rather slow speed. Sage was beginning to get impatient while Teegan and Cassian were hitting it off in the cockpit of the ship. Sage began putting her blaster back together.

She hooked her lightsaber onto her back and then Cassian turned back towards her, "They see us."

"Contact Han and tell him where we are, do it now," Sage said.

Cassian instantly got on the comlink, "They're jamming our signal."

Sage turned towards Teegan and gave him a signal, nodding her head. He sat down and closed his eyes, "Feel free to hurry, Teegan," Sage said.

"Can't rush the Force," he replied back, quickly, a small smile on his face.

The space pirates' ship got closer, it was painted black with a few white stripes and it looked ugly, random pieces of metal sticking out from different places on the ship. They got close enough to begin boarding and Sage looked at Cassian, "Get ready, and stay safe. Don't try to fight them but don't let them know it's a plan."

Cassian nodded, "What if Han and the others don't get the message?"

Sage looked to Teegan and then back to Cassian, filling herself with hope, "They'll come."

Teegan felt something as they boarded, like someone confident had just walked in. He had a bad feeling about it. So he made a plan, "I can't reach them," he lied.

Sage nodded, "We'll just have to do this by ourselves."

Cassian nodded, loading his blaster. Teegan stood and put his lightsaber under his coat on his back. That's when they were boarded, the whole ship shook and they were no longer in control of where they were going. 

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