Jedi Temple

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Not only did Luke Skywalker tell Sage that both her parents had died. But she had felt it. The only thing keeping her together was her anger for Darth Vader and the Death Star's end. She had put all her effort into destroying the death star, hoping it would bring an end to Darth Vader as well.

When Luke, the rebels and Han got back to Yavin, Sage felt hopeless. She didn't feel Darth Vader's death and was no longer distracted by the rebellion. Things were peaceful. She was barely making it through and it was the rebellion's award ceremony that sent her over the edge.

Luke, Cassian, Jyn, Chewy, Han, Sage and Bodhi all got gold medals but it didn't matter to Sage. She was on autopilot until she heard the words: "We must also give virtual medals to those who sacrificed their lives to destroying the Death Star, notably: Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, A droid named K-2SO, General Melshi, General Pao, the dozens of rebels that lost their lives on Scarif and most importantly, the two who helped keep the Jedi Order alive, Obi-wan and Jade Kenobi."

Sage didn't hesitate to quickly walk off stage, everyone's eyes turning towards her as she walked down the long aisle, people on either side. Once she got closer to the door it turned into a quick run.

Cassian and Bodhi made eye contact and that's when Bodhi took the silence in the room to quickly follow after Sage, to find out what happened.

He found her in their room throwing some clothes into a roughed up duffle bag. Bodhi stopped at the door, afraid of the answer to his next question, "What are you doing?" His mouth was left parted slightly as he slowly shut the door behind him, his eyes not leaving her.

Sage wasn't crying, she was determined. "I felt a pull in the Force-" she paused, understanding that Bodhi wouldn't know what she was talking about. She turned towards him patiently, sighing, "I'm not supposed to be here."

Bodhi quickly walked forward, "The Force can tell you that?" He now stood in front of her, his hands on her shoulders, their eyes connecting.

Sage only gulped, the only movement coming from her body being her chest moving up and down with each breath. Sage calmed herself as she took the medal off from around her neck and placed it on the bed carefully. She zipped up the bag as Bodhi watched her sadly, afraid.

Sage only said the answer to the question he was thinking, "I'll be back."

"When?" He answered instantly.

Sage's mouth parted slightly, wanting to give him the answer that he wanted but not being able to bring herself to do it. "I don't know."

One of Bodhi's best abilities, something that Sage loved about him, was that he always understood. And if he didn't, he would put himself in the other's shoes. This time was different, Bodhi couldn't put himself in her shoes and he didn't understand.

The only thing he understood was that he loved her, even though he had never told her that. Bodhi sighed and wrapped his arms around her gently. She returned it, holding him tight.

They sat there for a moment, neither one of them wanting to leave. Sage was the first to pull away, the Force pulling her. "I have to go," she whispered, reaching to grab the bag.

Bodhi suddenly held her face in his hands, placing a small, yes passionate, kiss on her lips and then brining his to her forehead, planting a soft kiss there. "Come back to me," he whispered as she pulled away, making for the door.

Sage didn't say anything in reply. After many experiences in her life, she realized that making promises you aren't sure you can keep doesn't help anybody. She left the room in silence and continued down the hallways in silence.

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