Kisses <3

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You were on the objective in Ilios with Zarya, Genji, Solider 76, Junkrat, and your girl Mercy. You were defending the ruins with your Multi-Lock Rocket Launcher preventing any of the Red team from getting in, cause fuck the Red team! You shot down Pharah.

“Hey no hard feelings Pharah!” You yell since you didn't mean it you were just doing your job…. Despite her being on the Red team. Soldier hit your back.

“Overdrive stop apologizing to the enemy!”

You rolled your eyes at the soldier. “Yea whatever old man.” Mercy flew to you and gave you a damage boost, she kiss your cheek. “Oh don't listen to him Liebe, he's just jealous you're stealing his kills.”

“Thanks angel.”

The Red team kept coming but you and Junkrat made a good frontline but some went around the objective without anyone knowing. Hanzo and Zenyatta were attacking you guys from a rooftop of a ruin building. You and Junkrat kept the rest from coming in while your team try to get them. Genji was at a loss since his Master and brother were teaming up against them, Mercy try to heal everything but Hanzo and Zenyatta kept attacking.

Soon only you, Mercy, and Junkrat were left and the Red team were on the point. Reaper shot down Junkrat and avoided his bombs, you were dodging D.Va and McCree when you saw Hanzo aiming at Mercy.

Immediately you ran to her as Hanzo fire his arrow. Mercy closed her eyes but nothing come, she opened her eyes to see you have an arrow in your chest. You had blood dripping down your mouth. “Don't worry Sweetheart I got you.” You coughed a bit more as Mercy quickly healed you. “You dummkopf why do you save me?”

“Cuz people do crazy things when they're in love.”

“Don't get all cheesy on me.”

Due to you Mercy had enough to resurrect everyone on your team and you guys eventually won. Mercy hit your chest. “You gave me a heart attack with that stunt!” You smile. “Yeah but I love you so much that I won't let you get hurt on my watch.” Mercy sigh.


She stood up and gave you a kiss. “But you did save me nevertheless so Danke hero.”


You were dodging missiles for training it was to show how powerful the military of (C/n) was, Pharah offered to do it and to let off some steam since Overdrive beat her earlier. You kept going back and forth, easily evading them. Overwatch was impressed until Pharah did her Barrage everyone was convinced you're dead, but you simply rolled out the way and dodged every rocket.

Once done you double jumped with your MA2B Assault rifle ready. In one careful shot you hit Pharah in the shoulder, she winced and went down. Putting your rifle on your back you rapidly dashed down to the ground where you managed to catch your wife before she hit the ground. You had a smirk under your helmet.

“Girl, did you fall from heaven to be with me?~”

Pharah had a small smile. “Oh shut up.” You helped her up and check her shoulder which only had a small cut since you only penetrate a bit of her amour. Overwatch was impressed.

“Master Chief (Y/n) that was impressive! (C/n)’s military is remarkable, are you sure you don't want to join Overwatch.” You removed your helmet.

“Thank you but no thanks I'm busy with training my country's military and protecting our fellow king.” You hold Pharah close. “I'll think my wife here is doing a fantastic job here, she was giving me a work out.” Pharah rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, you easily dodge all of my rockets.”

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