When she's jealous Pt 1

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When you were younger you were like your (mom/dad) crazy as hell but cool too. When you got older you mature but you're still energetic and wild. You kinda have a track record that still follow you even to Overwatch. You try to move on but it's gets brought up a lot.

Today you were at Overwatch since it's your work day and Angela's as well and due to it being last minute you two had to bring the kids. You just finished winning the weekly objective capture thing since it gives Overwatch agents some time to let out frustration from missions and life. You were watching your kids in the lobby while drinking water since your parent said energy drinks are evil. Then an Overwatch agent came in and you couldn't help but groan she was one of your many admirers, her eyes brighten up at the sight of you.

“Hello Overdrive!~”

“H-Hey Amanda… how's your day?”

The young woman dashed in your direction. “Good but great when I see you, oh I seen the fight earlier. You did an awesome job.~” She was leaning towards you as you backed up. “Ahh… thanks. It was easy.” She giggled. “Of course you're always amazing…. Hey I heard you were pretty wild when you were younger is that true?” You groan. “Yes but I was young and stupid… Actually I'm still wild and stupid but I'm old now at least that's what Angela and the others say.” Amanda's eyes widened.

“What?! Your wife calls you stupid, that's so mean. You're so cool that any girl wanna be yours, Mercy should be more careful because any girl will love for you to be their man.~” She was really close and you hit against the wall meaning you can't escape. Amanda smile. “You know Overdrive I seen how great you are with kids, affectionate, handsome, and according to rumors an animal in bed.~”

You put your hand over her mouth. “Shhh… god there's kids around.” You look over to see the kids still playing and then grabbed Amanda and went outside the lobby. You turn around to scold her for saying such lewd words near kids making her giggle. “See like I said you're a great dad. I don't see why Mercy is calling you dumb…. Maybe you need a better woman.” You were sweating profusely as she lean in to kiss you.

Then a bullet flew an inch between you two.

Out of the corner of your eyes you saw Angela with her pistol which had smoke coming out of it. She glared at Amanda, her eyes ice blue.

“Let him go or I'll won't miss next time.

Amanda immediately dashed off fearing the angel of death. You had a nervous smile. “H-hey honey….” Angela walked up to you and grabbed the front of your outfit, she brought your face close to hers. You continued to sweat nervously. “A-angel…?”

“If I see another woman trying to kiss you…. Let's say instead of Mercy I'll be called the Angel of Death.”

You rapidly shook your head. “Yes ma'am.” Angela let go of your shirt. She smile sweetly and kissed your cheek. “Gut. Now our kinder are hungry so let's go out and eat.” She loving hold onto your arm as you two walked to your two kids. Boy Angela can be scary when jealous.

(C/n)-- Country's name

Being the famous general of your country and the best soldier, you're constantly on t.v. and on magazines about the same amount like your best friend the King. Of course the magazines will have the sexiest man or women in your country and guess who's always in the top two. That's right! You and your King are always are voted by the public as the sexiest men in the country, though your King mostly get first place. Hell you two even get letters from admirers and in public there's popular challenges to hug or even kiss your cheeks among the female population, which your King takes pride in despite having a hacker wife.

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