Symmetra is here!!!

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Finally did it. Sorry for the long wait I had writer's block. I apologized now if I did a horrible job of describing mental illness, if I offended you or made mistakes. I'm sorry and I did not mean to, I did some research on the disorder the male reader has but if mistakes are there please correct me, I try my best to write it well.

Thanks for reading.


You were doing paperwork and you fucking hate paperwork. You hate this part and some other stuff too of your job, but you bear it for your wife. You were just got back from a mission for Vishkar Corporation, they wanted some supply from Talon since Doomfist escaped. You managed to sneak in one of Talon’s bases and found very valuable information on Talon. It was a notebook you were copying the information to send to Vishkar. Then when you needed to compare it to other info you found…

You couldn't found the papers.

You check your whole workspace, you check each drawer of the desk, cabinet, and saw all your papers and materials were not where you left them. You kept looking but you can't found anything. You frown knowing what happened, you summoned your shadow to hide the notebook and papers from your wife. You didn't want her to get involved with Vishkar shady business, she doesn't deserve to be their dog she's better than that.

“Satya! Satya where are you!”

You walked out from your workspace and try to found your wife. You been stressful all week and guess you just snapped from your frustrating job. “Satya!” Then you hear your wife's heels clicking as she walked to you. Satya was a bit annoyed by you interrupting her book. “Yes dark moon? You know I was at a good part in my book before you started screaming.” You sigh. “Angel heart… did you clean my desk again? Especially since I told you many times not to.”

“You called that a desk? (M/n) that desk had papers scattered everywhere and the cabinet had files in different places. Nothing was in order and was very messy, I can't understand how you work like that!”

You felt a headache coming. “Look diamante… it may be messy but that's how I work. You may not know where everything is but I do, I'm use to working in a chaotic environment. You should know… Symmetra. Do not change my way of work, I'm been very busy and do not want to deal with this now.”

Satya froze at her call name. You never call her that it's always nicknames or her real name, you only call her that when you're mad or frustrated. She sigh. “I'm sorry Saaya but you know me… and my obsession of perfection. I-I couldn't help myself…” You look down guilty since you can't blame Satya since she was always like this plus she changed your life too. “I'm sorry sunshine… it just I'm so stressed from working… I just tired of it all. I'm sorry… God I'm such an ass.”

Satya immediately got worried. “Oh no Yama no you're not. Come you're stressed, some peppermint tea and let me read you my book.” Your wife sat you down on the couch as she made the tea. Then Satya returned with the tea as she read her book out loud. You snuggle with your wife as she read feeling more relaxed already. As Satya continued to read she moved closer to you and unconsciously snuggle too making you smile.

Kisses <3:

You were having your depressive episodes right now and well… it was not good. You lock the door of the shared bedroom of you and Satya so you can be alone. You just feel hopeless and worthless like you're nothing, a nobody. You sigh as you hear your wife knock on the door.

“Tiger… I know you're in there. Let me in.”

“Go away Satya you can use your time more wisely than wasting it on me. Surely you have more important matters to do.”

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