When she's jealous Pt 2

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As the boss of the most dangerous and wanted terrorist organization, you're very well known in the crime world. That any would-be criminals try to be in Talon or women throwing themselves at the most wanted man on Earth. Hence why some of your children are born with fellow female femmes as their mothers. Unfortunately for you and Widowmaker two of your... many... exes work under you. Yes you could kick them out..... Or you know kill them but they're too useful to be killed. So you two put up with them despite Widow constant complaints of just killing them off.

You were discussing a plan to lure Overwatch into a trap. "We use this warehouse as the stage and knowing that OW will sent their stealthiest members first."

Reaper nodded as he look at the hologram of the map. "Yes that's right... so Snake, Genji, Hanzo, and Sirenum are the most possible spies." Sombra view the information of the candidates and frown. "That's weird.... There's barely any information on Snake and Sirenum. Like they're not in the system at all, how is that possible?"

You thought before recalling an incident from years ago. "That's right... I recall an incident after Snake went "rogue" that all her information from the government and world's nations were gone. It's highly suspected that her friend Otacon deleted all info on her. Sirenum is a witch so she mostly hid under the grid." Soon more mumbles on how to plan an attack if there's no info on one of the best spy and witch ever. Annoyed you left to get rid of your headache.

"Awww is the Boss annoyed?~"

You sigh at the Italian accent voice. "Katherine... leave me be before it turns horrible for you." The Italian woman smirked and walked up to you swaying her hips, but you gave her a disinterested look as you pulled out a cigar. "Aww is that how you treat the mamma of your figlies? With hate and coldness? Remember the fun times we had or the many times we made love, you're such a sexy and rough man.~" You didn't care as you try to find a lighter. Yes you remember how can you forget?

Katherine was your partner on assassination missions when your horrible father force you in Talon. She had your back and you with hers, and soon that closeness evolved into an intimate relationship. Soon your two many passion "sessions" lead to the birth of your oldest children, Rosalba and Rosangela. You did love Katherine but that love soon was gone and you had an affair with a female Japanese yakuza member which lead your only son's birth. Katherine found out and out of rage and intense jealousy killed Tomiko, making you end all ties with her and taking the kids. Now you had hate towards her, any love left was completely gone forever.

"Katherine stay the fuck away from me. I should have killed you like you did to Tomiko! You're lucky that you're a skilled assassin or else I would have sent you to hell. Any "fun" memories we had are just that memories. " You spat at her making the Italian woman freeze but soon she glared at you. "You do love me! It's that Japanese puttana trick you into loving her! She just opened her legs and let you knock her up so she take you away from me, she wanted to destroy our famiglia." Suddenly she threw herself at you and wrapped her arms around your neck. You try to get her off but she had a tight grip plus you didn't want to drop your cigar. "No one loves you like I do! Not that puttana or that new French toy you call a wife!"

You stopped and grabbed Katherine's shoulders with such strength the Italian woman cried out from intense pain. You glared at her with so much hate Katherine was afraid. "Listen bitch do not speak about Tomiko or Amélie like that! They're more of a woman then you're ever be, just give the hell up. I don't love you not now or ever! Get that shit through your fucking thick skull we're over and have been for years! If you ever threaten Amélie or talk shit about Tomiko--"

"I will end you pute."

Then Katherine screamed in pain as a bullet was shot into her back. You looked up and saw Amélie with her gun down the hall, she put down the gun. "Hands off my husband or next time it's curtain call for you. If I ever seen you talking to him or even near him I'll personally kill you off." Amélie spoke in the coldest and harshest tone you ever heard her speak. Katherine ran off most likely the medical bay. You smirked.

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