tired of fighting things (that I can't change)

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This is not a date.

It's not.

At least, that's what Alex keeps telling herself.

She can't stop thinking about the conversation with Maggie, last night, and how she just showed up at Kara's front door. Alex doesn't even know how Maggie got her sister's address. But, hey, Maggie's a detective, so she detects, right?

She still vividly remembers Maggie telling her she cares about her a lot and that she doesn't want to imagine her life without Alex in it. Alex is not really sure how to interpret that, because Maggie also said she'd like for them to be friends. In the same sentence. So it looks rather platonic. But on the other hand, Maggie seemed very nervous and something just felt different.

But- this is not a date.

They're just casually going to play pool, just like they've done so many other nights before. And of course Maggie is going to lose again, because she just always does. She can't play pool to save her life, which makes Alex thinks she just lets her win all the time. And Maggie's secretly a Goddess at playing pool.

(Alex thinks Maggie is a Goddess. Period).

So, you know, Alex is kind of stressing herself out. Because she doesn't know if she can be friends with Maggie, but Maggie desperately wants them to be and she wants to do whatever makes Maggie happy, because that's what she deserves. And if Alex has to be in pain for a while, then so be it. She's kind of used to it anyway, by now. And if she wants Maggie to be in her life, she'll have to find a way to learn how to live with it.

Glancing to the clock on the wall, she sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. She's ready. Kind of. She didn't really know what to wear, so she just settled on her black jeans with a cosy winter sweater and her leather jacket. Basically just something she's comfortable in.

She also made sure to wear her heels, so that way she's taller than Maggie and at least has that to her advantage. Because Maggie is really intimidating and when Alex isn't wearing her heels she feels so small under the other woman's gaze, sometimes.

Time to leave.

She shoots Kara a quick text, telling her she won't answer her phone because she's out, before leaving her apartment and locking the front door. On her way towards the alien bar she keeps replaying yesterday's events in her head.

I care about you.. a lot.

I don't wanna imagine my life without you in it.

Alex doesn't really know what to think. She seemed so understanding about Alex' feelings, so genuine and caring. But Alex doesn't really think she means anything by it. Nothing more than wanting to be friends, that is.

So, Alex will try.

Because, if she's being honest and if she looks behind their situation, she knows Maggie doesn't really have a lot of friends here. She knows some people at the bar, yes, and she has colleagues she probably jokes around with. But other than that she doesn't really have anyone she cares about- someone who cares about her.

And Alex doesn't want her to be lonely.

Walking into the bar, Alex' eyes immediately look for Maggie. And of course she finds her at a pool table, already setting everything up. Alex stops in her tracks for a few moments and just looks at her, takes everything in, because this might be the only time tonight she gets to see Maggie being completely comfortable.

She's so beautiful.

But it's as if Maggie senses someone watching her, because it only takes her a few seconds before she scans the room and her gaze finds Alex'. She smiles and puts the pool cue down. Alex takes a deep breath before walking over to her, putting on her bravest smile. Tonight's about to be eventful.

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