home (I'm coming home)

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(post 2x22)


"Marry me,"

"Excuse me?"

"Seriously. Marry me. Please,"

Alex's heart flutters as she watches Maggie's smile grow, watches her eyes sparkle and her dimples show. She watches Maggie's face intently, trying to figure out what she's going to say before she actually says anything- tries to gauge her reaction. Because Alex Danvers just did the most spontaneous thing she could've done. She doesn't even have a ring.

When Maggie releases a breath Alex gets shaken back to reality. Reality being that Maggie hasn't replied yet. Alex tries to get her heartbeat back in check, because there's no use in getting your hopes up and she doesn't want to look too disappointed if Maggie tells her no.

"Maggie?" Alex asks, voice quiet, "please say something,"

"I'm- I don't know what to say," Maggie mutters, her eyes still shining, but her smile wearing off.

Alex swallows, looks away, "A yes or a no would be a good start,"

Maggie reaches her hand out to touch Alex's cheek and sighs, "Alex,"

And that's when Alex knows. So she shakes Maggie's hand off and takes a step back, shaking her head. She knew it. It was all too good to be true.

"It was stupid of me to ask, I'm sorry," Alex mutters, looking everywhere except for Maggie, "it's too soon, yeah, it's- I'm- whatever,"

"Alex," Maggie says again, attempting to reach for Alex's hand, but the latter shoves both her hands in her pockets and bites her lip.

She needs to get out of here.

"I have to go," Alex admits, not looking at Maggie whatsoever, "clear my head. I'll see you back at the apartment,"

Maggie falters. At the apartment. Not at home like they've called it these past months. She can basically feel Alex pulling away from her, which is not fair because she's not even listening to her. Which is not fair, because it's creating drama that's not needed and that can totally be avoided.

"Alex, wait," Maggie pleads, "I'm just overwhelmed,"

Alex just shakes her head, "You could've just said no, Maggie,"

"But I don't want to say no," she says, "I just-,"

"Then what is it?"

Maggie takes a deep breath and runs her hand through her hair, "It's a one day, but not yet,"

Alex nods. Probably more to herself than Maggie. But she still takes a step back and starts to turn. She only talks when she's nearly back inside the DEO. Then she says,

"I'm going for a walk. Don't wait up for me,"

• • •

Alex isn't sure why she's reacting this way. She feels like she's overreacting. Because deep down she knows it might have been too soon. They haven't even been dating for a year. But Alex just feels so strongly for her and she knows that Maggie is the person she wants to share everything with. She doesn't know why there always has to be a certain amount of time until you're allowed to be sure that you want to share your life with someone.

Alex loves her. She loves her with everything she has and she never wants to let her go. That's what Kara told her. To never let Maggie go. But if Maggie doesn't want that, then what is she supposed to do? It's a one day, but not yet. What's that supposed to mean?

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