cause I love you (more than you think I do)

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Maggie doesn't get nervous.

Or, well, not really.

Until she does.

Because Alex wants to introduce her to her friends. As her girlfriend. And to be honest, Maggie's never been at this point. She's never met the friends before. With her ex-girlfriend she's known of them and she's run into them, but they never officially met or hung out.

That's something Alex really, really wants. She's told her that. So when Alex suggests to meet up with her friends tonight at the dive bar, Maggie hestitates. And it's not because she isn't sure about how she feels about Alex. Also not quite because she's doubting Alex' feelings. It's more that she's scared Alex will introduce her and still get tired of her after a few months and it'll all have been for nothing.

Because no matter how many times Alex tells her she really likes her and doesn't want to lose her, ever, the fear still eats at her. Maggie thinks it probably always will.

"Maggie?" Alex asks, hand reaching out to rest on top of hers, "Please say something,"

Maggie blinks herself back to the present, sitting on the couch with Alex, talking, before she clears her throat, "Uh, I- I'm not sure, Alex,"

Hurt flashes through Alex' gaze and Maggie immediately regrets her choice of words, because she didn't mean it like that, but it probably sounded like that and now Alex is pulling her hand back and looking down at her lap and shit.

"Wait, no," Maggie sighs, "that came out wrong,"

Alex glances up, lip worried between her teeth, but she doesn't say anything. Maggie just sighs, rubs her hand over her face. She really is bad at expressing herself sometimes.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, grabbing Alex hand into hers, running her index finger across the back as if she's writing everything she doesn't dare say, "I just meant that, I mean, I just don't want you to regret it,"

"Regret what?" Alex asks, eyes widening, "Introducing you as my girlfriend?"

Maggie just nods.

"Maggie," a breath, soft, surprised, loving.

"I just- This is a serious thing and I just want you to be sure,"

Alex scoots closer, her free hand coming up to cup Maggie's cheek, "I am sure. I want you to meet them. I want to introduce you as my girlfriend,"



A smile plays at Maggie's lips, because Alex is serious about them and Alex wants her to meet her friends. She can't believe she ever thought being with Alex was the wrong thing to do. She can't believe she's been so stupid.

"If you're okay with that, of course," she then says, squeezing Maggie's hand.

Maggie just nods, squeezes back, "Yeah, I am,"

"You sure?"

"I'm just," she hesitates, "scared, I guess,"

Lifting her arm as an invitation to cuddle, Maggie quickly shuffles against Alex' side, their hands still tangled together. Maggie sighs as she rests her head against Alex' collarbone, her girlfriend's heartbeat steady in her ear.

"I just want them to like me,"

Alex runs her fingers through Maggie's hair, "And they will. They will love you, Maggie,"

Maggie's heart backflips at Alex' choice of words, her smile widening. She hides her face in Alex' sweater and chuckles, because she loves Alex and she can't wait to tell her. She might just explode, because she wants to shout it from the rooftops, tell ever single living soul how much she's grown to love this amazing woman.

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