tell me I'm safe (you've got me now)

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"Are you insane?"

Maggie is, to say the least, a little taken aback by the loud voice booming through the ER. Especially at this time of night. Most people are asleep, or trying to, or were asleep. But of course Alexandra Danvers doesn't care about that.

Maggie isn't sure why she expected any differently.

It was only a matter of time before Alex found out and made her way over to the hospital. Because no one keeps secrets from her, especially not secrets that involve Maggie Sawyer. Duh. Because why would they?

Maggie rolls her eyes, just barely, because she doesn't want to anger Alex even more. Then she waits for Alex to make her way over to her. It only takes seven seconds until Alex is standing in front of her, hands on her hips and frown on her face.


"What is it, mom?" Maggie mutters, only slightly annoyed with Alex's attitude.

Alex huffs, "What were you thinking?"

There's no hint of anger left in Alex's voice, only worry, as her hands come up to gently cup Maggie's face, turn it left and right to inspect her face. She sighs, runs the tips of her fingers over Maggie's swollen cheek, over the cut across her eyebrow and her bloody lip that's turning blue, slowly but surely.

"God, Maggie,"

"It's alright, Alex," she tries to mend, "really,"

"How can you say this?" Alex asks, letting go of Maggie's face to grab her hands, "You look like shit,"

"And thanks,"

Now it's Alex's turn to roll her eyes, "I was so worried when James called me. Maggie, you can't do shit like this to me."

Maggie sighs. She really doesn't understand why Alex is making such a big deal out of it. Okay, she got into a fight, wee woo. Who cares.

"What happened?"

That's when Maggie tenses. She ends up just shaking her head, pulling her hands free from Alex's grasp as she shifts on the bed she's currently on. They told her she was allowed to go home soon, she's just waiting for her release papers. Maggie didn't really count on anyone to pick her up – hell, she's not even sure Alex is here to pick her up.


"Nothing happened, Alex,"

Alex scoffs, crosses her arms over her chest, "Nothing? Really? You're going to try and feed me that crap? Look at your face, Maggie!"

"My face is fine,"

"Do you have any more injuries?"

Realizing there's no use to lie to her, Maggie relents, "Two bruised knuckles on my right hand, some bruised ribs and maybe a slight concussion,"

"What did you do?"

Maggie shrugs, opens her mouth to say something but Alex holds up her hand to shut her up.

"And don't tell me nothing."

"I just got into a fight with someone, it's no big deal,"

Alex sighs, rubs her hands over her face. She starts mumbling to herself, taking a step back. Maggie's slightly scared she made Alex mad. That was never her intention, never what she wanted to achieve. All she wants is to protect Alex.


"Really, Alex," Maggie says, reaching out to touch Alex's arm, only wincing slightly because of the pain in her ribs, "please don't worry about me,"

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