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Kenzie p.o.v

My alarm clock went off I got out of bed and put on my black leggings and pink shrit from the store pink. I put my hair in a ponytail brush my teath and put on my uggs. I walked down stairs and grabbed a granola bar and left. I don't know where I am going I never do. Me and my family don't have a relationship we never talk to each other. To be honest I like it I have gotten hurt so many times because people told me they loved me or I loved them. I don't love anyone. do I care about them? Of course I do I just don't love them you probably wondering how that possible not to love your own family. After my dad left us when I was six that when we all grew apart. My dad was our glue and will him out of the picture there was never any glue. I snapped out of my thoughts because I ran into this girl.

"I am so sorry" I said to her I held my hand out so she can grab my hand she gladly took it I pulled her up.

"Its ok I am laurn" she said she had blonde hair down to her shoulders she was my height. Skinny too she seems nice.

"Hi I am Mackenzie but you can call me kenzie" I said we shook our hands.

"Hey your that quite girl in my history" she said.

"Yep that's me I am only quiet in school though" I said smiling.

"I didn't mean to offend you" she said. I giggle a little.

"Oh no you didn't offend me at all I like being quite at school it keeps me out of trouble" I said we giggle.

"Wanna hang out" she ask. Um I don't know if I want to but I guess I will its not like I have anywhere I need to be. Except dance but I mean I don't have to go until five. Even then I may act like I love dance but really I don't. I only take it to help me get my mind off of things.

"Sure" I said. We started walking back.

"How about you come over to my house and we can hang out" she said.

"Um sure lets go" we walked to a big house it was two blocks away from my house.  She opened the door.

"Mom, dad I am home" she yelled. Ha my mom is never home. She always working I am a surprises as much free time maddie gets she not pregnant.

"Hi sweetie who this" a young lady walked in I waved at her she smiled.

"Oh this is my friend I just met her today" Lauren said.

"Oh ok well have a good play date I am going shopping your father is at work and Johnny is down in the recoding studio down stairs" the lady said. She seems so nice my mom will just leave with out telling us crap.

"Mom it's not a play date its call hanging out" Lauren said he mom grabbed her purse and walked to the door.

"Ok sorry hangout anyway love you" she said.

"Love you too mom" Lauren said. How does she says that so easily I never heard a I love you from any from my family members nor do I ever say I love you to any of them.

"Ready" Lauren said I nod my head and we headed up stairs. I walked behind her. We got into her room.

"So tell me about your self" she said jumping on her bed I sat on the floor.

"Well I have a sister and mom" I started.

"What about your dad" she ask I looked down it still a very hard subject to talk about.

"Um well he left" I said almost crying.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to.." she started

"No it's fine you didn't know" I said smiling through the sadness.

"What about you" I ask.

"Well I have a mom and dad and a older brother name Johnny" we talk about random things after that. Soon later we started to get hungry.

"Wanna get something to eat" Lauren asked I didn't want to be rude.

"No"I lied

"Yes you do come on" she grabbed my hand and I smiled we walked down stairs. And I saw someone

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