You slowly got up from your bed and stretched your stiff arms out to the sky.
You slept like a baby last night.
You looked to you phone and saw that it's was dead.
Zero battery.
Lazyly you got up and looked for your charger with half opened eyes. After bumping into a few things on the way, you found it and plugged in your phone.
Once it got to 1% it started turning on again.
*You have 8 missed calls* it read.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion.
Since when do people actually call me?
Your phone started ringing again causing you to jump at the sudden noise.
*Caller Yoosung*
You quickly answer.
"MC! What happened?!?! I've been trying to call you!" He asked in a panicked tone.
"Sorry, my phone died last night after I fell asleep in the middle of the conversation." You apologized a bit embarrassed.
"That's fine but it's already 7:46am! Don't you have classes at 8?!?"
You whipped your head over to the clock on your bedroom wall.
"CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!" You cursed while leaving your phone on speaker as you ran around getting your things ready.
"MC?" Yoosung asked on the other line.
"What classes do I have today?!?! What day is it?!?! What do I do?!? how do I college?!" You asked no one in particular.
"Mc! MC~!"
"First calm down, second just look at your schedule, it would usually be either in your note book or on your wall somewhere right?" He advised.
"Right! My wall my wall my wall..." You mumbled to yourself as you scrambled to your desk wall.
"History! I've got history!"
"Okay, now look for your history textbook, its probably on a shelf or something." His calmness was somewhat helpful while you freaked out.
"Right! Shelf shelf shelf shelf shelf..." You kept mumbling as if it was a chant to make you go faster. You looked around and found the textbook.
"Got it!" You shouted so Yoosung could hear.
"Okay, now what you'll need the most is your homework, notebook and a pen." You nodded your head as if he could see you and stuffed everything in your backpack.
"Right! I'm off!" You got your phone and charger and ran to the door.
"WAIT!" Yoosung shouted.
"What?! What did I forget????" You questioned impatiently.
"I don't have time for that!"
"M.C." It surprised you hearing him speak so seriously.
"Alright, alright.." You decided not to argue with the blonde and went to get a left over sandwich and a juice box.
The one thing that the game was spot on about.

Mystic Life (Saeyoung X Reader)
Fanfiction4 Days for you to fall in love with me... 7 Days until it starts all over... That was supposed to be it right? MC. Aka. YOU. Living a relatively normal life while playing a new game known as Mystic Messenger. You had just finished 707's route and wa...