Chapter 6: MC?

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You rushed to the back of the pastry room and got started on preparing brownies.

It was easy and you got them in the oven quickly. It was rush hour and it was all hands on deck.

"MC! I need more help with serving tables!"

"Right!" You rushed over to Brenda and got a bunch of orders on two serving plates.

You were practically an expert at this.

"Here you go, 4 cups of coffee, an apple pie, 1 croissant, and 2 cupcakes." You said to the customer. They gave you a smile and thanked you before you made your way to the next table.

"Good evening sir! Here's your-" you stopped once you noticed who it was. "V! Nice to see you again." You said while placing his order on the table.

It was the same as last time.

"It's nice to see you again too." He smiled.

"I see you really like vanilla cake." You tried to make your conversation quick so you could go back to work.

"Oh, yes, I really like the taste​ and the texture it has. You could say it's perfect." You felt a blush slowly creeping up on your face.

"Oh, thanks! I'm usually in charge of making the brownies and cakes." You added while scratching the back of your head in embarrassment.

"No wonder it tastes so good. And I'll have to try the brownies now." He said while taking a bite from his cake.

"Thank you. Well I'd better get going-"

"W-Wait!" He grabbed you wrist lightly but retracted it just as quick. "Sorry, I didn't mean to grab you like that.." He looked away.

"It's okay, is there anything else you need?" You asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I know this is really out of the blue and this isn't the best time to ask you either but one of my models for a photo shoot just cancelled on me this morning."

"Okay.." You urged him to continue.

"And the session is tomorrow and I really don't have anyone else to help me at the moment. I wanted to know if you could take her place?" You pondered on the thought for a while.

"And don't worry it's not like a bikini shoot or anything, it's about nature, like taking picture near a lake. O-Of course you're not obligated to do it I just..." His sentence trailed off as he tied to find a way not to sound desperate.

You looked anywhere but him as you thought about the offer.

"I-I'm really not that photogenic.." You said honestly.

"I don't really think about whether someone is 'photogenic' or not, as long as they be themselves there will always be a beautiful photo to be shot." His voice was soft and kind in contrast to the noise going around the pastry shop.

"I....I guess this could be fun, I'll do it." You answered to his kind words.

"Really?? Oh wow, thank you! Um, I'll give you my number so I can send you the address. If it's too far just tell me so I can send you a car to pick you up." He gave you his number on a pice of paper and you told him yours.

"Once again, thank you so much Y/N, oh I'm sorry I mean MC. I just really like your name so I got used to saying it." Now you really did bush a thousand shades of red.

"O-Oh, it's fine, but....I would prefer you call me MC.." You gripped the serving plate a little tighter than needed.

"Of course. Well, I'll be seeing you tomorrow MC." He got up and gathered his things. "Thank you, and goodbye." With a final wave, he gathered his things and left the shop.

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