It's already been about a week since you 'Joined the RFA' and you had stated getting used to the phone calls and messages.
Although, it's also been about a week since you last saw V.
But now wasn't the time to think about that.
Now you had to decide weather or not you were going to Zen's play.
The ticket was in your hand.
"For safety reasons, you can't tell the others about your personal life."
Sevens words rang in your head.
But Zen won't even know where I'll be or what I'll look like, it wouldn't hurt to go see a simple play right?
To be honest though, you were pretty excited to see what Zen looks like in real life.
It'll probably be like someone cosplaying or something.
With that thought, you decided to start getting ready so you can get a good seat and see the o-so-talented Zen.
Putting on the shirt you just bought and a nice pair of jeans, you head out your apartment and follow the directions Zen gave you to the theater.
You took the bus and arrived at the theater sooner then you thought so you got in line.
There were only about 8 or 9 people already waiting in front of you but thank god you got there when you did, about 5 minutes later the line behind you started going as far as 5 or 6 blocks!
You looked at your phone for the time.
5:04?! I still have to wait an hour?!?!
You sighed and started playing phone games because no one was even online to chat with.
Finally the time came and you were taking your seat in the middle; one row behind the first.
The theater looked very nice and elegant; you even reconsidered that you should go change your clothes since you were wearing something so comfy and casual.
You looked around and noticed that most of the people around were girls.
Either plays were now a trend or they really like Zen's acting.
I still wonder why people haven't talked about Zen's acting career being real! Or....They knew and didn't want others to know so they could all keep this secret for themselves!
"Is this your first time here?" A woman to your left asked; taking you out of you train of thought.
"Huh? Oh, um yeah.." You said a little nervously.
"That's good to hear." She gave you a small smile. "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Jaehee Kang." She out stretched her hand.
Meanwhile you almost chocked on your own spit.
"N-Nice to meet you!" You shook her hand. " My name is-" You thought about it for a millisecond and decided that they don't even know your real name or what you look like.
You'll tell them eventually at the party.."My name is Y/N, nice to meet you Jaehee."
She smiled. "And how did you end up coming to this play?"
"Oh, a friend of mine recommend I watch it because of the actor....What was his name?" You acted as if you didn't know.
"Zen?" She immediately responded.

Mystic Life (Saeyoung X Reader)
Fanfiction4 Days for you to fall in love with me... 7 Days until it starts all over... That was supposed to be it right? MC. Aka. YOU. Living a relatively normal life while playing a new game known as Mystic Messenger. You had just finished 707's route and wa...